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I guess you could say Manuel Neuer was the type to be early to every occasion. If in any way possible, Manuel would never be late.

So, after conceding no goals at training, Manuel grabbed his bags and headed to the bus, in which they were loaded into the airport in a not-so-orderly fashion.

Bayern Munich was the definition of chaos, and Manuel was a part of it. Manuel simply found his seat, sitting next to Thomas, who was saying goodbyes to Libby, who was over in Munich for holiday. Manuel sighed, wanting something as good as Thomas had found. 

He wanted a love as deep as Libby & Thomas's. That which was insanely hard to find.

At least he had an empty seat next to him, so he could easily stretch his large, but muscular body for this long plane ride.


I guess you could say Amelia Adler was the type to be late to every occasion. If in any way possible, Amelia would always be late.

"Amelia! What the heck are you even doing?" Amelia's friend, Lena, called from the front door. Everything was packed and ready to go, except Amelia, of course.

"Coming!" Amelia yelled, grabbing some socks and stuffing them in her bra, her dark hair flying in tangles hitting her back as she hopped down the steps, frantically picking up her purse.

"Come on, Len, let's go! Why are you taking so long?" Amelia joked. Lena rolled her eyes but laughed, flipping on the music, and rolling down the windows.

And as if it were a tradition, Amelia & Lena ran through the security check, screaming for the flight attendants to keep the gates open as they stumbled inside, amused by the whole situation.

"Hey, I get the window seat," Amelia said loudly, everyone on the plane groaning in annoyance. The plane had been delayed an hour already, and they were all cursing the two girls.

"Nope, sorry babe," Lena slid into the window seat, toppling over a couple of people, who tried ignoring the squealing girls who couldn't get themselves together.

The cheapest tickets were seperate, so to the relief of the passengers, Amelia and Lena wouldn't be sitting together for the long plane ride.

"Fine, I'll go to the stupid seat up there," Amelia grumbled, dragging her bag, but managing to make it to her seat. She decided to pick up her bag and put it in the top of the plane.

A string from the bag caught onto her leg and she tripped forwards, gasping.

She opened her eyes, which were tightly closed as she was bracing for impact, but she had been caught by a pair of muscular arms. Her eyes opened to meet a set of startled bright blue ones.

Good thing he had good reflexes, Manuel thought to himself, a bit too proud of himself.

"Oh wow, um...sorry, I didn't mean to fall over like that. I'm a bit of a clutz," Amelia said, laughing at herself, "Amelia Adler." She stuck her hand out.

If she was going to sit next to this guy for 14 hours, she might as well be friends with him, right?

He chuckled at how confident this girl was. He shook her hand, which was larger than expected, sweaty from sprinting through the airport.

"Manuel...Manuel Neuer?" He said in a low voice, more like a question, not fond of the attention they were getting.

"Oh..." Amelia paused for a moment, realizing who he was, "you must feel honored to be meeting me." Amelia smiled, sitting back as the plane took off.


author's note

you don't even know how freaking excited I am for this! Thank you so much for reading, I can't wait to write this and have it be completely different than KICK (which if you haven't read, be sure to read it! There will only be a few things that will carry on from that book) 

again, thank you! 

(it's weird having a new whole concept, and if you dont like it, please tell me what i should do, i know sometimes i suck a lot :() tell me what you think of the difference in Libby's and Amelia's characters!

--------> cutie patootie amelia awklja;lsf

@jagielka @milkstupidclock @communism THANK YOU DEARS for showing me Adelaide Kane, who is portraying Amelia ---> name credits to @Miss_Unstoppable_XoX & @MarceloOneAnOnly @ShannaHemmings

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