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Amelia raised her arms and yelled out, with a huge grin on her face. Manuel looked over and spotted them. His family.

And Manuel thought back to all the moments where he knew Amelia was nearly gone. Where he almost lost her, but now they were here.

One time, Amelia and Manuel had tried so hard to have a baby, and when Manuel started crying in the doctor's office, Amelia couldn't help but feel like she was taking something away from Manuel. So she tried to leave, but Thomas hadn't let her.

Another time, Manuel had gotten angry and so had Amelia, because she was being aggressive and moody, but it was merely her health that had gotten the best of her. Manuel was tired, but Libby explained that patience was key. Manuel listened and apologized with a box of pizza and a movie marathon. Amelia rolled her eyes but ate the pizza begrudgingly. 

There was an instance when Amelia and Manuel had decided to get drunk and that happened to be the day that they made their little Natalia. It was funny to them because it was the one time they hadn't intentionally tried to make a baby.

And as of now, Manuel Neuer had just played in the EURO 2016 final. They had won. It had gone to penalties and Manuel had saved the last shot. It was probably the most stressful match he had ever played.

 And Manuel remained one of the best goalkeepers in the world, even with his age reaching close to retirement. Manuel Neuer was the best, in Amelia's opinion, and now the whole world thought so as well. 

Amelia was allowed to go onto the field, watching as Natalia and her little blond ponytail bouncing as she ran to her father who hugged her and kissed her forehead and spun her around.

Amelia smiled and walked over slowly, with Ansel in her arms. Ansel screamed in delight as he spotted Manuel, waving his small, fat arms. 

Usually William would carry him because Amelia would want to hug Manuel, but since Lena and William had been dating for a few years now they had decided to go to Africa to help with a charity together.

Manuel was rarely around during the tournament, but whenever the children saw him, they never stopped smiling. Manuel would always come home with treats to spoil them. He would always be forced to carry them around the house, one of his shoulders and one in his arms.  

All of them were clothed in the same jersey, NEUER, on the back. Of course, Amelia argued she wanted it to say Adler, and that Manuel should change his name to Adler, but Manuel had laughed.

"You had the honor to marry me," Amelia had joked.

"Of course, but don't you want the famous Neuer as your last name, Mia?" Manuel had said. Amelia thought about it for a moment before sighing in agreement. 

And now Amelia handed over Ansel to Manuel.

"ANSY!" Manuel kissed his chubby cheek and he giggled, squirming to get out of his arms. Manuel put him down and Ansel walked to a ball, which he kicked.

"Good job, Ansy!" Amelia laughed.

Thomas came and draped a large Germany flag around Manuel. Thomas looked at Manuel with a huge smile.

Thomas had proposed to Libby and they were getting married in the next year or so. At the moment, Libby was talking to Erik Durm, another team mate. Amelia knew nothing about their relationship, but smiled as she congratulated Manuel's team mates, especially Thomas who handed her a giant mug of beer someone had gave him.

"We usually do this at Bayern only...but you might as well pour it on Manu's head," Thomas suggested. 

"No, I haven't even kissed him yet, everyone wants him for interviews and pictures!" Amelia laughed.

"Well then go kiss him!" Thomas pushed her towards him and she turned him around in the middle of a picture and kissed him.

Manuel wrapped his flag around their heads so they had their privacy...

And then there was beer being poured on them. 

"THOMAS!" Both of them screamed out in between giggles. Thomas raced to the other side of the field, Natalia and Ansel trotting behind him, laughing maniacally.

Everyone watched as Thomas scooped up Natalia in one arm and Ansel in the other, running away from the drenched and angry Manuel and Amelia. Thomas almost tripped but slowly stumbled to the other side.

The children screamed vivaciously, enjoying their uncle Thomas as they always did. Natalia was now dangling upside down, kicking her legs, and Ansel was making helicopter noises.

Amelia grabbed her children, who squealed in delight, and Manuel poured the large mug on Thomas. Thomas screamed in a high pitch, pathetically slapping Manuel on the shoulder.

"Uncle Thomas screams like a girl!" Ansel screamed.

Finally Libby noticed Thomas and laughed. She saw Thomas's family in the stands and pulled Thomas to go hug and talk to them.

Natalia grabbed Ansel's hand.

"Ansel, let's go talk to the other kids!" Natalia said, pointing at the Boateng twins. Ansel nodded excitedly and they raced over.

Amelia and Manuel held hands and walked back to the celebration. 

"I love you, Mia, you know that, right?" Manuel kissed her forehead and pulled her close, wrapping his in the large flag.

"Yep, Manuel Neuer, I love you too," Amelia leaned her head on his chest.

Everything was perfect. They had each other and their own family. And that was all they needed.


ahhhhh it's over!! I'm both happy and sad. This book brings me a LOT of memories, guys (not as much as KICK but still) 

i really really hoped you liked it :) i love youuuu <3

comment on what your favorite part was! and go check out FAITH (mario gotze) :) comment and tell me if you're excited!!

i love you so so much and thank you for everything you have done for this fanfic! <3 

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