the ninth goal

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Amelia silently struggled against the arm that was tightly wound around her.

"Amelia, calm down!" the voice said groggily, shifting the arm to be a little looser.

"If you don't let go of me I swear to God-"

"What? You'll get drunk and make out with me again?" he interrupted, his face turning into a smirk.

Amelia's breath hitched as she faced the other body. She cringed when she met the blue eyes she had learned to hate. She wished she had been wrong.

Then again, if it had been anyone else, Amelia would have been scared out of her mind...and Manuel made her feel safe.

"Did I...?" Amelia began to say

"Don't worry, the only thing you did last night was make a fool out of yourself by doing the...what is that...the funky chicken?" Manuel laughed until there were small glistening tears in his eyes.

Amelia started to move away, but Manuel grabbed her arm.

"You insisted on me sleeping next to you because you were scared, okay?" Manuel said, almost in a whisper because he was so close to Amelia's small face. The last thing that Manuel wanted was for Amelia to think he was some sort of freak for sleeping next to her.

"And you're going to listen to drunk Amelia, rather than not drunk Amelia, right?" Amelia began, "because thank you, Manuel Neuer, thank you for being such an awesome guy to me. I told you that this couldn't happen between us and thank you for honoring it."

"Hey, no need to be a sarcastic little woman, I basically saved you from embarrassment , Mia," Manuel exaggerated

"What did you call me?" Amelia narrowed her eyes.

"What did I say?" Manuel sat up. Amelia unintentionally looked him up and down, feeling her gut wrench.

He was wearing all of clothes, god damn it, he's so good. Amelia angrily thought, actually feeling nice emotions towards Manuel.

"Nothing," Amelia sternly said, trying to untangle her arm from his grasp. Manuel found it amusing as to how hard she was struggling when Manuel was only lightly holding onto her arm.

"Okay, if you really wanna go, be my guest, Mia," Manuel said with a glint of amusement in his eyes.

Amelia smacked him upside the head.

"Ouch! What was that for?!" Manuel smiled.

"Mia? That's not even a thing," Amelia crossed her arms as if asking for an explanation.

"You see, my club, Bayern Munich's motto is MIA SAN MIA, and it's very, very important to me, just like you are to me," Manuel stated proudly.

2. Goal (Manuel Neuer)Where stories live. Discover now