III: richie

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"No, Bill, I swear it was fucking MAGICAL!"
"I t-told you so! Y-You think he felt l-like that t-too?"
"I don't know man, but I already made him a mixtape."

"He won't enjoy it if you don't give it to him," Stan whispered, looking at how Richie was fidgeting with the cassette between his hands.

"This is so fucking corny, I wanna off myself" Richie sighed, putting it into his shirt pocket again.

"It's just a mixtape, you are not asking his hand in marriage"

"I don't even know if he liked me to begin with. Maybe he's thinking 'Ugh, what an idiot that Tozier guy, I'm so happy I never have to see him again' or some shit like that."

"Didn't you say he even asked you not to leave?" Stan looked at Richie and then rolled his eyes.

"N-No!" Richie blushed a bit. "He just told me that there was no need for me to leave."

"You fucking listened to Bowie together for Christ's sake Richie! It doesn't get much gayer than that."

"Shut up, you asshole" Richie complained. "I shall go look for him, he might be under the bleachers again," he said as he looked again at the mixtape.

It was cheesy. He wasn't going to lie. The whole idea was cheesy, but... It wasn't as if this was the first mixtape he made for Eddie, as much as he hated to admit it. He had a mixtape already done and a few pages of his notebook had song titles written all over them. It was a hard job. Every single song must be perfect, fit the others in a magical way, but he could make it work, he could do a fucking mixtape and play it cool, acting not interested at all.

And he did, he could create the coolest - and cheesiest- playlist to hint subtely to your crush that you are absolutely, hopelessly, devotedly in love with him, without looking like a corny little fucker.

just like heaven, a mixtape by trashmouth to teach eds about GOOD music

1. f. r. david - words

Well, starting off strong.

2. madonna - like a virgin

The guy loved her, that must distract him.

3. styx - the best of times

4. the police - every breath you take

5. the clash - train in vain

6. the cure - boys don't cry

7. queen - it's a hard life

8. the beatles - help!

9. bowie - moonage daydream

10. the cure - just like heaven

"Wow, Richie, this is very... nice from you," Beverly sounded surprised as she checked the tracklist.

"Not gonna lie, Bevs, I was SO FUCKING temped to add Fat Bottomed Girls and CUM Together, but I wanted to be a nice guy for once," Richie admitted.

"You will always be an idiot," she laughed as she left Richie, waving her hand at him and wishing him good luck with a smile.

Richie took a deep breath. He was ready, there was nothing that could happen to him that day that his anxiety haven't prepared him for. Any scenario, any minor inconvenience, ANYTHING.

He walked the short distance he had left to get to the bleachers and... There he was. Eddie had his headphones on, Richie couldn't tell what he was listening to this time, but he was tapping his fingers against his thigh... That was an image that Rich will keep with him... How can a boy's skin be so soft?

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