Chapter Seven

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Jazz kept replaying the conversation with David in her head.

Did I imagine what just happened?

Was he just being nice?

Get a grip, Jazz! Focus on the task at hand. She scolded herself internally.

The Book Fair was rapidly approaching and she needed to focus.

In the thirty minutes she'd spent at the library, Jazz was able to sort through most of the book donations before Mrs. Cooper returned to lock up. She was surprised at how many they received this year and was super grateful, especially for the books that David brought over.

"Jazz? Are you still here?"

"Hey, Mrs. Cooper, yeah I'm finishing up right now."

"Take your time dear. I still have a few things to finish up."

"Thanks Mrs. Cooper. How have things been?"

Jazz was grateful that she had Mrs. Cooper to talk to. They both happened to lose a loved one around the same time. When her grandmother died, Jazz spent more time in the library talking to Mrs. Cooper than she did in class. It was easy to talk to her because Mrs. Cooper was also grieving the loss of her husband of 35 years.

"I've been better these past few months. Some days are harder than others, but I'm getting there." She patted Jazz's hand.

"I'm happy to hear it. It really is harder some days, but I'm realizing that as time passes, the pain weakens. Those memories that I couldn't bear to think about are now becoming bearable. I find myself smiling when I think about my grandma now."

"Amazing huh?"

"What is?" Jazz asked.

"How time is able to heal our wounds most of the time. When Henry first passed, I couldn't bear the thought of going into our bedroom. Now, I spend most of my time there. I feel closer to him that way."

"It really is amazing. I'm so happy you're our librarian Mrs. Cooper. I don't know what I would do without you."

"Same here, honey. Same here."


"That you, Jazz?" Her mom called out when she got home that evening.

"Yeah mom. I was at the library for a while. I got a lot done today for the Book Fair."

"That's great, honey," her mom responded, sounding a million miles away. Jazz watched her mom type frantically at her desk, knowing that she was in writing-mode.

She couldn't help but smile to herself. Her mom was one of the smartest people she knew, but also one of the humblest.

"Hey Jay-Bird, you're home early today." Jazz's dad interrupted her thoughts with a kiss on the cheek, as always.

"Yeah, I finished early today with the Book Fair stuff. We got a lot of donations this year."

"That's great, honey. I'm so proud of you. I think a few of my students will be donating too." He told her, warming up the leftovers from the fridge. "I'll be sure to remind them about it tomorrow."

"Thanks dad. We'd really appreciate that."

"I'm heading to the lecture series on Troilus and Criseyde at 7 at the University Hall. Want to accompany your old man? I don't want to disturb your mom. Seems like her creative juices are flowing."

Jazz hesitated, knowing that the lectures her dad asked her to go to in the past were extremely long and drawn out. She had spent most of the time trying not to look bored. 

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