Into the Closet

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Kid then helps Jess up still admiring her. Maka slaps Kid's arm to get him out of the daze. "Oh I'm sorry for interrupting your date, I'll be on my way now," Jess says and starts to leave. The two freeze, blush and grab Jess's arm. They then drag her to her room. Kid sits in the corner, rethinking all his life choices while Maka just watches Jess. "Kid, how long do you think she'll have amnesia for, considering her state of mind," Maka yells over at Kid. "Well, if she may hit her head again it'll either cure her or make it worse," Kid states. "Not helping, Kid," Maka says furiously. "Try to contact Stein, he'll know what to do," Maka demands. Kid runs to Jess's newly renovated pink walk-in-closet and puts in the Death Room's number on one of the mirrors. Jamie then walks in her room to see what has been done. She has a shocked look at first and then an evil grin. Jamie grabs Maka and shoves her in Jess's closet, blocking the door so they can't get out. Jamie gets a warm smile spread across her face.

******** In the Closet ********

"Well... I guess you could say we need to get out of the closet," Kid chuckles. "Nows not the time for stupid jokes, we'll be lucky if we get out of her before finding Narnia," Maka says with a struggle. Out of nowhere Lord Death appears on the mirror. "Hey! Howya doin? Being long ti- what the hack is going on here? Why are you two in a closet? Alone? Together? Get out of the closet!" Lord Death is confused and happy.

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