Forest Game More Like Slaughter

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The kids stopped in their tracks when they heard rustling in the bush near them.

"You shouldn't be here," they heard from the bush. The kids formed a circle with all their backs towards each other. "Black Star, Kid if you see anything pounce to attack, got it," Maka ordered. "Got it," Black Star and Kid said in unison. The bushes started rustling and a small, hairless, crawling, naked-ish man jumped out of the bushes towards Kid. Immediately, Kid shot at the strange creature. "You all have beating hearts, you must be playing the Forest Game, I am The Rake." the strange man said. " What do you want with THE ALMIGHTY BLACK STAR And friends," Black Star managed to sound like a show-off, even when asking a question. "Isn't it obvious, you aren't Pastas or Pro-" "Actually, we beat the 'Forest Game' together so the seven of us are Proxies. So if you don't mind we need to do our job Mr. Rake, is it?" Kid interrupted him. "Yes and I guess I should leave you to your work," Rake slumped off, surprisingly disappointed.

The group decides to split up. Maka and Soul start to wander when they see that the two children, that looked almost identical to them, had found each other. Soul licked his lips. "No Soul, we are only to prevent them from getting the pages. We leave the actual killing to the 'Professional' Proxies and Slenderman," Maka scolds. Soul sighs and gets excited at the thought of action.

Black Star and Tsubaki wander down a different path. "Assassins rule number one, erase your breath and wait for an opening to attack your target," Black Star whispered. He started mumbling all the assassins rules. Someone tapped his shoulder, which startled him a bit. He turned around quickly and saw Jess the Killer. "Stay sharp and keep your mouth shut unless you want to be caught," Jess scolds. Black Star nods. Jess hurries by to find the targets.

Kid, Liz and Patty cautiously walk through the forest. "This forest is beautiful," Kid said. "The symmetry is impeccable, such beauty," Kid admires. Liz and Patty sweat dropped. "Really Kid, we need to be focused. I may not know who Smile is but I don't want to be ripped apart, got it," Liz says concerned. Kid pouts. They walk along the path. "What an abomination," Kid begins. They see that he has spotted one of the children. This was one of the girls, she had 2 pigtails, they were just a little bit uneven. "She's disgusting!" Kid yell-whispered. Jess came up behind Kid. She startled him. "Stfu we don't need some kid scaring the kid away, understand," Jess said. Kid nodded his head, for some reason he wanted to dig deeper into her back story.

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