A New Arrival

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"M-M-Maka!?! I am so sorry. I-I uh sorry..." Kid blushes. Maka looks down and blushes, "It was my fault." Maka realizes it was him and starts to panic. Kid looks at her with worry in his eyes. "I-I-It's nothing, bye!" Maka leaves quickly. Kid is left standing there confused.

Later that day Kid wandered the house, wondering when the DWMA people would arrive to help them. Kid wasn't able to concentrate because he felt like someone was watching him. Out of the corner of his eye, Kid saw Jess the Killer. She looked over at him and simply stated, "Punk." Kid looked confused. "You never talk to me, or even know me that well so why are you calling me a 'punk'?" Kid asks. "Because you are one. You're to basic to realize that the pigtailed girl likes you. Not only that she's to basic to realize you like her. So you stop being a fuckboy and go to talk to her," Jess states plainly. All of the girls I the house, besides Maka, are standing behind Jess agreeing with her. Kid sighs and leaves.

"EVERYONE TO THE LIVING ROOM NOW!!!!" Slenderman yelled. Everyone knew that when Slenderman yelled he was serious. "Alright young ones, we have some new people headed our way. Stop them from reaching the house and don't die. I'm sending the proxies, Jess the killer, Jumping Jamie and the DWMA kids. Got it? Good. Now GO!" Slenderman ordered and everyone left.


So I'm starting the second book for this series and I'll have it up in a while. It may have some black butler spoilers (spoiler alert) so no hate. Hope you guys read it! Sayonara!!!!

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