A Plan Gone and An Unraveled Mystery

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It hit them hard. The soul link, that is. Hoody and Masky fell to the ground rubbing their noses. "I am so sorry!" Maka exclaimed helping Masky up. She blushed slightly at the way he looked at her and he did the same. "It was nothing, if anything it was our faults, just keep doing what you're doing, uh... bye... hehe," Masky said dragging Hoody back into the house with him. "We can't get rid of them, I think I like her," Masky said to Hoody. Hoody did a mocking kissy face at Masky and then got punched in the face.

******** Outside ********

"Maka pay attention!" Soul exclaimed at his meister. "Sorry, can we take a little break?" Maka asked. "Someone's in LO-!" Patti exclaimed but getting cut off by Maka. "Sshh... I'll give you a giraffe if you keep your mouth shut," Maka persuades and succeeds.

******** At Night ********

"Hoody, Masky go review all of the security camera footage that has ever been taken but not the ones for the bedrooms," Slenderman explained. They nodded and left to the security booth.

While viewing the security tapes, the come across the ones for the night of the Cheesecake Murder. "We have to watch this," they say in unison.

****** Security Tape Playback******

Black Star and Jess are sitting in the living room watching documentaries and Black Star gets up for some food. He spots the cheesecake and immediately gets excited. "I THE ALMIGHTY BLACK STAR CHALLENGE THE JESS THE KILLER TO A CHEESECAKE EATING CONTEST!!" Black Star exclaims. "You're on, you spoiled brat," Jess speaks every word to her advantage to get him rallied up. Black Star screams and try start eating as fast as they can until all the cheesecake is gone.

******** Back To Reality**********

Hoody and Masky both stood there in shock at what happened. They ran upstairs going to both Jess and Black Star's bedrooms, attempting to strangle them both but were brought back to their room forcefully.

******** Morning ********

Jess turns to walk down the stairs but gets pushed down the many flights of stairs and now lays unconscious at the bottom.

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