LoveSick (Smut x Angst(?))

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•I stan Bottom Goh
•SmuT ¯\_( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)_/¯
•Aged up AU they're in a University, all characters are above the age of 18 if not specified :)
•Like every Yandere fanfic, TWs are depiction of suicide, murder and well yk blood gore and shit, also since this is a oneshot it'll be rushed and shit might not make sense so there's that
•Ash has fear of rejection

Also the start was heavily inspired by a dnf (I DO NOT SHIP THOSE BEAUTIFUL PEOPLE IRL ONLY THEIR PERSONAS AND I DO NOT SUPPORT SHIPPING THEM IRL BECAUSE IT IS DISGUSTING) book which i read quite a while ago, I'll see if I can find a link so I can post it here

Italic: Thoughts
Bold: Emphasize
Bold and italic: Memories


A raven haired boy said, as he wrapped a noose around a corpse's neck. Swiftly cutting off locks of once bright maroon hair. Why, she was killed, you ask? Well she was getting too close to his dear Goh... He wouldn't tolerate it, never in a million years!


The corpse swung slightly. Blood still dripping from the wounds. With her tear-stained face, it was almost believable. 


"Hello? Anyone home?"

She felt something fall on her head before everything went black.

Koharu was knocked out cold. Satoshi invited himself in and set himself to work, he made deep gashes in the skin of her wrist. Blood gushed out of the wound. The girl's skin turned pale. He smiled soon after maniacal laughter filled the laboratory.

Koharu eventually woke up, her head still throbbing. She was too weak to speak, let alone scream for help. Her wrists still bleeding, she was losing more and more blood by the second. She sobbed silently, before getting hit in the head yet again, but this time the damage was a bit more... "permanent"? Should I say?

End of flashback

•The next day at University•

"Hey did you hear? Koharu-chan hung herself!"

"What!? Oh. My. GOSH! This is gonna be a juicy topic for months on end!"

"Leave her the fuck alone.. She's already dead she doesn't need your shit..." A certain Black haired boy with red highlights said. His name was Goh.

"Aww, I forgot, she was your only friend wasn't she? OR WAIT! Was she your girlfrieeeeeeeend~?"

"Shut up."


"Don't be such a Grade-A asshole." Satoshi said, shoving the bully. "What you gonna do about it?"

"Oh, I can do many things that would terrify you."

"Really? Try me bitch."

"Wait! Please don't get yourself into this, Satoshi! I'll deal with him myself later. Please don't stir yourself trouble because of me.." Goh said as he grabbed Satoshi's arm.



Satoshi walked away.

"Thank you."

The two boys walked into their respective classes.

•Lunch break•

Goh was playing with his food, stabbing a piece of steak with a fork, aimlessly.

Satogou (Firstfriendshipping) oneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now