Two Months

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Do you ever think me? Do I come into your head as you're drifting into peaceful sleep? Of course you don't, I mean nothing to you. I can't seen to get that through my head.

Kalel and I got in a fight this afternoon. She was trying to tell me about how she ended up at the clinic.

She said she had suffered with severe bulimia. I wasn't thinking and mumbled that she didn't look like she had an eating disorder.

I regret saying it with every fiber of my being I didn't even realize what I was saying before it was too late. I wish I could take it back.

Word choice and diction is crucial to proper communication, Ian. Feelings are easy to hurt but difficult to fix. We have no idea what value something holds to someone before it is too late.

I hope you remember how fragile people can be though they appear strong.


P.S. The feelings of intense isolation are worsening everyday that I'm not next to you.

hi im sorry updates are slowing down ive been having family things, please dont be upset at me anyways hope youre all doing great. thank you all for so many reads and votes i love you all seriously thank you. ^.^ follow me on twitter if you want to talk :) @latenighthowell

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