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Anthony's POV

I felt eyes on me so I looked up from my phone.

I was briefly startled when my eyes locked with a pair of piercing blue eyes. I quickly dropped my gaze and fiddled with my shoe strings. I brought my eyes back up after a moment to see Ian continuing to watch me.

His lips started to separate as if he was going to ask me something, but he stopped and looked away.

"Uh, hey, Ian?" I stuttered.

"What?" He asked, not even looking at me.

It kind of upset me. A frown tugged at the corner of my mouth.

"Never mind, I figured it out," I lied with a cheap smile. Luckily he wasn't looking to see such a fake smile.


In an instant, something inside me snapped. My chest felt heavy. I felt like I was suffocating. It was so hard to breathe. I looked down at the ground and tried to breathe. Everything was spinning. I couldn't stop. The grass seemed to turn grey. A lump formed in my throat. My hands were shaking uncontrollably. I pushed my palms on the ground, desperate to stand and get away from Ian. I barely managed to get off the ground before I was already stumbling about.

"Anthony?" Ian called.

I made it to my car and grabbed at the door handle. Fuck. Of course it was locked. I shoved my hands in my pockets as tears welled in my eyes. I was just ready to be alone. I just needed something to go right for me.

I finally dug my keys out and started flipping through my key ring to find the appropriate key.

"Anthony, stop," Ian mumbled and gently took my keys away from me. "You're not driving like this."

Tears begged to trail down my cheeks. I pushed my hair back with my hand and closed my eyes.

"Anthony, just calm down," Ian said in an annoyed tone.

"Sorry for bothering you," I growled through grit teeth and pushed him away from me quite forcefully.

I regretted it once the silence followed. I flicked my eyes open to see a pained expression on Ian's face.

Ian dropped my keys on the pavement and turned to the crew.

"Sorry for the trouble guys. You can go home or whatever," Ian apologized.

Ian reached into his own pocket and got his car keys. He walked straight past me without even a measly glance. He got into his car, started it, and drove away.

I collapsed to the pavement and ran my fingers through my hair.

"Fuck," I muttered to myself.

I dropped my head and pulled my knees to my chest. I pulled my phone out of my pocket and saw I had no notifications. I furrowed my eyebrows and stood up. I walked to where Ian dropped my keys and bent to pick them up. Without a word to the crew, I climbed in my car and started it.

I sat in the car for a moment and covered my face with my hands and tried to calm down before driving. I took a few deep breathes and cracked my knuckles. I sighed and turned my phone off vibrate in case Ian needed something while I drove. I tossed my phone into the passenger seat before shifting into reverse.

I drove out of the parking lot rather quickly and mentally scolded myself. I knew I shouldn't be driving when I'm upset but I was ready to get home.

Once turning onto the main road I made a mental note to stay within the speed limit. The ride seemed to drag on and on.

I reached a red light and found myself glancing over at my phone nervously. Had I really upset Ian that much? I began to fret and fall into a spiral of worry. The car behind me honked, knocking me back into reality.

I sighed and began to drive again. After a little while longer, I pulled into my driveway. I checked my phone again and saw nothing. I turned off my car and climbed out.

Unlocking the front door, I felt my neighbors watching me. I turned my head in that direction to see the husband and wife watching me from the front porch so I waved politely and walked into my house.

I walked to the living room and sat on the couch, not really sure what to do now.

I contemplated what to do for a few minutes and was then interrupted by my phone ringing.

My heart lept into my throat, thinking something was wrong with Ian.

I snatched my phone off the coffee table and saw the caller ID.

"Oh hey Ian, what's up?" I answered in a perky tone.

"What was that earlier?" Ian asked calmly.

"I don't even know..." I trailed off, hoping he'd let it go.

"Well okay," He sighed.

"You sound pretty tired, Ian. I'll let you go."

"Alright, if you need anything or want to talk about earlier, just call."

I hung up the phone will a small smile.

---hey guys, this is a kinda long update but whatever. yeah here's chapter 2 hope you enjoyed it---

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