Chapter 25

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Y/n felt the breath leave his lungs in one fell swoop. A thousand little errant thoughts came together in his mind, forming a single conclusion: so far everything is going according to Dr. Nilsson's plan. This was it. Dr. Nilsson had been inspired by Y/n's survival in the cage and in order to establish a close vantage point to the naga, she joined him inside of it. This was her whole idea. She had situated herself perfectly and with one good shot — or, perhaps, a few good shots — the naga would be paralyzed and finally in her grasp.

Y/n's eyes moved from the tranquilizer gun to the radio still out and now laid in her lap. Her and Einar exchanging covert plans in morse code... What exactly would be happening? Would it be soon? Y/n felt on edge. 

Dr. Nilsson quietly put away both the gun and the radio.

All the pieces were set up, it seemed to him; all Nilsson would wait for now was... opportunity, Y/n guessed. Whenever Enlil gave her an opening, she'd strike.

Then Dr. Nilsson's hand moved up, Y/n's eyes followed it, and he watched as the woman placed a single finger against her lips: the universal sign to keep quiet.

Y/n almost wanted to laugh — who the hell was he going to tell?


The humor vanished at once.

Guilt suddenly knotted his stomach. He could — he could warn the naga... It wasn't like Y/n was devoid of sympathy. He had felt for Enlil when the naga had first been shot with a tranquilizer. The creature seemed almost... afraid.

Y/n was not without sympathy, but he wasn't without sense either. Tranquilizing the naga was the only surefire way to leave this cage; this island without coming to harm. So no, Y/n thought about it, yes — and only very briefly — but he wouldn't jeopardize this. He wouldn't say a thing.

Y/n gave Dr. Nilsson a silent nod.

And her green eyes seemed to sparkle; glow even in this dim light.

The (h/c) man immediately felt sick. He suddenly wished that wherever Enlil was, the naga stayed there. Far away from them, and the gun and Dr. Nilsson's scheming...

That would surely make this dilemma easier on Y/n. It wasn't like he wanted the naga to get hurt or to experience that fear again, it just —

Y/n ran his uninjured hand through his hair, tugging on the matted (h/c) strands and worrying himself half to death.

He didn't know what to do. 


Unfortunately, the universe didn't seem to hear Y/n's unvoiced plea. The naga returned as he always did, oblivious to Y/n's revelation. He assessed them briefly — scenting the air and peering at them from afar — before the naga returned to its favorite spot; again keeping alert.

Movement in the corner of Y/n's eye caught the (h/c) man's attention. He turned to see Dr. Nilsson reaching into her bag. Y/n's heart rate quadrupled, fingers shaking — surely, she couldn't be making any kind of move now?!

But Dr. Nilsson merely pulled out a small rectangular package.

Y/n's brows furrowed, "Is that —" his voice came out loud and sharp with surprise; he quickly lowered it, "— chocolate?"

She smiled, unwrapping it and splitting it in half, "You bet it is."

It was a little melted, the manufacturer's insignia on each little square of cocoa no longer clearly defined. But even with its contents half stuck to the package, it was still the best thing Y/n had seen in a long while. Never mind the sweet, rich smell.

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