chapter 27- out of the ordinary

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an- TW very small mention of rape (indication not really a mention but I put this here to be safe)

Kelly's POV:

"I can't believe he would do something like that! How selfish. And to think, Hufflepuff could have had the spotlight for once. ONCE!" exclaims Lana, "Gryffindor just couldn't take a step back huh? It's always them, it's always Harry! Why can't we just be shown love one single time! Just this once! That's all I ask! For some other bloody house to be acknowledged! Those stupid snakes and lions!"

Ced had just stepped into Lana and I's dorm right as she began ranting. I don't blame her but something isn't sitting right with me.

"Lana, did you ever think that Harry didn't put his name in? I mean come on, he's fourteen for Merlin's sake and he looked dead petrified when they called his name. Not to mention when Fred and George tried to put their names in, it backfired almost immediately, and they are two years older than the bloke."

"Really, you're going to side with him? The Gryffindor prince? Over your best friend?" she says, steam shooting from her ears.

"Lana, I'm not picking sides. I'm simply looking for the logic," I say as calmly as possible.

"And what? I'm not smart? Well sorry to break it to you Kells but you're not either. Your aging potion backfired and you constantly stare at yourself in the mirror. Like how vain could you get? Always looking at your body, we get it your perfect! Perfect kelly! Well, are you really so perfect?"

"Lana, calm down--" Ced tries to say but she cuts him off.

"News flash Kelly, your own brother deflowered you. Now, that's not very logical, is it? That wasn't very smart of you, was it? So don't you dare try and say that I'm not thinking logically!"

Ouch, that stings.

"LANA! What is wrong with you!" Ced screams as he runs over to hug my shaking body.

She pauses, finally looking at me, fear and regret settle in as she realizes what she just said. "Oh Kells, I-I'm sorry. I'm so sorry, I-I didn't mean-- I'm sorry, I don't know what just happened" she runs over to me, tears streaming down her face.

"I-I need to go," I mumble, getting up from my bed and running out of the dorm.

I wipe my eyes with the back of my sweater and run out of the common room.

How could she say that?

My lungs start to compress, my throat begins to tighten, and my breaths become shallow. I can't run anymore so I end up falling in a corner. The same corner where it all went down last year.

As if I wasn't upset enough-- no, the universe just had to put me in this corner, in his corner.

It all became too much. I can feel the air leaving my body and just as I thought everything would go black, I see someone with blonde hair walking up to me.

"Hello, are you alright down there?" the small gentle voice asks me.

I tried to respond but no words left my mouth. Instead, I shake my head and she stoops down to my level.

"My name is Luna, can you breath please?" she asks, taking a seat next to me and caressing my hands.

"That's it," she says softly as my breathing returns to normal.

"May I ask, what are you doing here?"


"Exceptionally strange day no?" she asks, clearly sensing my inability to speak and changing the subject.

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