chapter 29- dragons

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Kelly's POV:

"Kells, my love, wake up," Fred says.

I stir awake, opening my eyes, only to find Fred staring down at me. "You know, it's rude to stare Freddie," I taunt.

"Touché love," he grins, pulling me so that our faces are level. He looks at me for permission, which of course I grant, and dives down on my lips. It's passionate, yet, slow. He takes his time, his tongue finding every inch of my mouth. His lips are soft and his arms gentle. He holds me close to his body, heat radiating off of us in the cold astronomy tower.

I get up and straddle his hips, deepening the kiss. His hands slip down from my waist onto my butt. We stay like this for a good ten minutes. Nothing else in the world matters right now. It's just us.

When the kiss breaks, I lean my forehead against his. We both close our eyes and simply enjoy each other's company.

"Thank you, Freddie," I finally speak up, breaking the silence.

"For what love?"

"For the date, for showing me that I matter, and er-," I pause, blush creeping onto my cheeks, "and for last night."

He laughs, pulling me closer to him. "You're welcome, Kells."

Our naked bodies wrapped in only a blanket provide the kind of warmth that melts my heart. I don't know if it's love, but I know there is a deep connection that will be near impossible to sever.

"Why are you laughing," I ask, my cheeks increasing in redness.

"You're so cute when you get all flustered and embarrassed," he says, kissing my forehead, "your cheeks get all red and it's adorable. Now, as for the date, Kells of course you matter which is why you deserve only the best," he pauses looking away from me, "and I'm sorry. I'm sorry that I don't have a lot of money and I'm sorry that I can't spoil you the way other boyfriends do, and I'm sorry if the date seemed lame-"

"Fred, stop that nonsense. The date was perfect. You are perfect. And last night, last night was perfect. I don't care how much money you have, it doesn't matter so long as I still have you. Although, I'm sorry that we didn't have sex. I know that's what typically happens on dates and I-"

"Kelly, you stop that nonsense," he says, shaking his head, "you didn't want to have sex and that's perfectly normal. You went through some rough times and if anything, they made me respect you more than I already have. They showed me how fierce and loyal you are and I- never mind. My point is, sex is not what's important. What's important is the connection we feel, the desire to help one another, and the feelings we share."

"But I know you wanted to have sex," I mumble.

Fred looks at me, picks up my face with soft hands, and kisses my lips ever so gently. "Kells, no matter how much I wanted to do it, I would never, and I mean never, force you to do something you're not comfortable with. Your comfort and your happiness are all that matter to me. So when the time comes and you're ready, I'll be there waiting. But, for now, we can simply go on dates, hang out, cuddle, and do what we did last night. Whatever you're comfortable with, I'll do. Ok?"

"Ok," I say, resting my head against his chest.

"So, the date wasn't bad?" he asks, looking a bit embarrassed.

"No Freddie, the date was perfect. I don't care where we go as long as it's just me and you. And, if I'm being honest, I really like what we did last night. It wasn't too much for me and I hope it wasn't for you. Your comfort matters to Freddie, I also want you to tell me if anything ever gets too much."

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