chapter 40- dark

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Kelly's POV:

"Miss Fawley," Professor Moody huffed, "you have a letter."

Dropping the letter down on my desk, he stomps away, taking one last glance at me before continuing the lesson.

I put the letter in my bag, making a mental note to read it later.

"Don't forget that your essays on an Unforgivable Curse of your choosing are due by the end of class today. Since the final challenge of the tournament is this evening, I expect them on my desk no later than your lunch period. That is all; you may continue working." Moody snapped. His magical eye examines me once again as he sits back down.

"Kells? Are you okay?" Fred asks, swiping his hand in front of my face.

"Hum, oh yeah. Sorry, I was just thinking."

He nods, leaning back in his seat.

"Have you finished your essay yet?" I ask, tapping on his notebook.

"No," he says, shaking his head while avoiding eye contact.

"I'll help you. We can go to the library after class."

"It's fine Kells. I don't need your help," he snaps.

"Oh, ok. Sorry, I just thought you – never mind."

Not waiting for a response, I get up and bring my completed essay to the front of the classroom. "May I be excused from class early?" I ask Moody who simply sits there staring me down.

"Have you finished your essay?"

"Yes Sir. It's right here," I say, handing him my notebook.

"Very well, you may go. Oh, and Miss Fawley, I suggest you read that letter. It seemed pretty urgent," He says, his lips curling up into a slight smirk.

Choosing to ignore it, I nod my head as I make my way back to my seat. I grab my bag and head out the door. Fred's eyes follow me but he stays put. I don't know why he got so angry. I was just trying to help him. I know he has a hard time with writing but I guess he's just too stubborn to admit it. Although It did hurt... being yelled at that is.


"Hey Kiki," Ced says, jumping onto my bed and engulfing me in a hug.

"Hi Ced," I say, giggling as Alana jumps on top of him.

"What are you doing?" he asks, ripping my book out of my hands.

"Just some homework. What about you? Shouldn't you be preparing for the third task?"

"I'm ready," he says with confidence radiating off his skin.

I nod, taking my book back from him and cleaning up my school supplies. "Why are you two so giddy? Not that I don't love the hugs but you're crazier than usual."

The two of them look at each other and then back to me. Lana raises her hand and I drop all of my books on the floor. "HOLY HELGA! W-WHAT!!"

They both look at me and then back to each other.

"Ced proposed," Lana said, squealing with excitement.


"This morning," he responds.

"Congratulations you two! But what influenced this proposal? I mean you guys are only sixteen and seventeen."

"Well," Ced starts, "after my near-death experience with a dragon, I figured we don't know if we'll live to see the next day so why not make the most out of what we've got. Dad sent me my mums' old ring and said have at it. So here we are: I proposed, Lana said yes, and all is well."

"I'm so happy for you guys," I say, engulfing them in a big hug.

"What about you and lover boy?" Lana asks, wiggling her eyebrows.

"What about us?"

"He seems gloomy. And he's yelled at everyone today, including George," Ced informs me.

"Oh, it's nothing. We got into a small fight. Actually, I don't even know if you can consider it a fight. Either way, I'm giving him some space to cool off. I'll talk to him about it during the task and everything will go back to normal."

"Ok, Kiki. Whatever you want," Cedric says as he and Lana turn to leave the dorm.

"Hey wait. Where are you two going?"

Lana looks at me with a smirk, takes Ced by the face, and starts kissing him.

"Ok, ok, forget I asked. Go to Ced's dorm, please. I don't want to witness this," I say, laughing.

The two of them run up and give me one last bone-crushing hug before shuffling out of the door.

I smile as I shut the door behind the two of them. Lana's never been happier and Ced... well he's Ced.

Returning to my bed, I sigh and pick up all my books. Organizing them on my dresser, I look at my bag and decide to read the letter. It's probably a joke but if it's from mum or dad then I should probably read it.

As I assumed, the wrapping was blank. Nevertheless, I open it.

'Dear Miss Fawley,

Please meet me in Professor Moody's classroom at 5 o'clock on the dot.

There is something urgent I must discuss with you regarding your parents and the DADA classroom is the only room with the silencing for this discussion (my office is temporarily being occupied).

Thank you,

Professor A. Dumbledore.'

Well, that was weird. I don't understand why Dumbledore would send me a letter regarding this when he could have just asked me, but then again, he has been busy with Harry. Whatever, I have two hours so I might as well get ready for the task.

After cleaning up my room, I take a quick shower. Rinsing away any chemicals from Potions class. I then put on some clothes that are suitable for the weather. It may be June but it still gets cold around here at night.

I put on some black leggings and Cedric's old Hufflepuff Quidditch jumper that he gave to me last year... well more like Lana and I stole two pairs, one for each of us, but that's not important. I then slipped on my black high-top Converse, put my hair in a messy bun, and left the common room.


"Professor Dumbledore? Are you here?"

"Right here... Effe."

"You're not Dumble-" I try to say, but in an instant, everything goes dark.


Hehe... and so it begins ( ;

I'm going to be honest with you all and to keep it short, life has been crazy. Good, but crazy. 

I've had so many tests/quizzes/exams in these past few months (which I've complained about a lot- sorry) that I haven't had a break. Don't worry though, I love this story too much to give up on it. And I have plans for my next fic. But this story is nowhere near done... like at all.

Anyway, I hope you guys are enjoying it! I have big plans for future chapters.

As always, have a great morning/afternoon/night!


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