Chapter 6

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Draco was sitting in the slytherin common room writing an essay for potions.
"Hello Malfoy!"  Draco jumped in his seat and looked up and saw Ember. When did she get here? The common room was empty a second ago.
"W-where did you come from?"
"That doesn't matter!"
"I think it does!"
"Nah it doesn't! Let's talk about your crush on Hermione!"
"Granger? HA I don't have a crush on that fi-"
"Yeah yeah yeah filthy little mudblood! I should be offended because I'm a muggleborn but we can talk about that later! So Hermione or granger whatever you want to call her do I put this nicely?... she hates your guts!"
"We know this and the feelings mutual!"
"Noooo but it's not! Because she's in love with you and you're in love with her and it's so cute!"
"I literally never even said I liked her"
"Yeah but I know you Draco! I know when you like someone so this is what you're gonna do! So you see her in the library and you gonna go up to her!"
"I wonder if I stab  myself with my quill if it will be enough to kill me?" With that Ember takes the quill and throws it across the common room.
"So since she's a Gryffindor and you're a Slytherin you just gotta slyther-in! Get it? Ha! Yeah I know you do! I am absolutely hilarious!"
"I'm going to do the opposite of what you just said!"
"Ok so stick to the plan and you'll have her heart in no time!"
"Wait but what was even the pla-" but Ember was already walking away.
'Ok what the fuck just happened?' Draco thought to himself. How did Ember know about his feelings towards the bushy haired bookworm Gryffindor he hid his crush on her amazingly well. At that point Blaise came in.
"Hey Draco do you need a quill?"
"That depends will yours be enough to kill me?"
"Um let me check" Blaise tried to stab himself in the arm with the quill multiple times but nothing happened. It was completely safe.
"So I tried and no!"
"Then no!"
"Ok i don't think I want to know why you want to die via quill anyway what were you and Ember talking about before I came over here?" Blaise asked.
"Honestly? I have no idea! That girl confuses me to no end!"

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