Truth hurts sometimes 😊💔😔

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They both woke up and  they went to breakfast after they had a quick shower separately, that is because krist had called them to eat. As they went down they saw something bizarre.
"So what is with the bacon's, potatoes and pumpkin" and everyone were surprised by this.
"Ahh this is for them though not us " said gun while sweating too much.
"Why did you say like that hin".
" Because apparently our gun hates bacon's, Gulf hates pumpkins and krist hates potatoes. Ah and when are you all going confirm about your relationship. You have literally exchanged rings and bracelet ".

Love bracelet is for singto and for bracelet is for krist

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Love bracelet is for singto and for bracelet is for krist.

King ring is for Mew and queen ring is for Gulf

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King ring is for Mew and queen ring is for Gulf.

Heart ring is for Gun and the heart beat ring is for Off

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Heart ring is for Gun and the heart beat ring is for Off.

As soon as they knew that their P saw their ring they tried to cover it but it was of no use so they decided to say the truth.
"Uhh P fine we are officially boyfriends now. Sorry  for letting you now because you were tired day before yesterday and yesterday was not the right time to talk" said Gulf while his head was down.
"Didn't I say every time to not to put your head down. And don't be sorry, I know you all knew I wanted some time which I got and for your official thing congrats🎉🎉" .
"Now eat".

After everyone happily ate off and gun had went inside the village to check people and help them.
They saw a girl  in pain screaming in a house and they decided to go and what they saw shocked them.

Mention of abuse, and etc weak hearts please don't read.

They saw a man who was about 5.6 foot hitting a girl who is about 18 years with a belt. The man has been drunk, there were several beer bottles, sigartes pack and many drugs pack but what surprised them was the drug packets was not in the color of white which it normally should be, it was in the color purple and gun might have suspected something but first their duty is to protect the girl from senseless human being.

Off saw the anger in his love's face and this was enough for him to knock the man out from his stupid drunkass.
Off went closer to the man and knocked him out, he saw the girl was almost passing out so he carried her to the van and both fled out of the house to the camps.
They both reached the camp and gun called the doctors and treated her wounds. After he came out of the camp he saw his papii standing there talking to someone in his phone.
"I told you not to leave any trace behind right. Don't ever leave him to confirm that mother is in that hospital. Tay should never know".
" Whatttt " there was a grief or more likely a pained, confusing, angery expression on gun's face. And horror on Off's face.
"Babii i-i can explain" stuttered Off.
"You better Off jumpol".

Off cut the call and pulled his babii to a place were no one was there. But little did they know that weak hearted person who fought with his own grief in past was listening to all there talk.
" Babii Tay's mom, I mean our mom is not dead, she is just in hospital ".
" Ok but why should Tay ,should not know this, he will be sooo happy ".
" No babii he should never know. Actually mom has lost her all memories. One day mom and her best friend sara were shopping in the mall, mom wanted to buy a gift for Tay as it was his birthday  but everything turned upside down. Some of the my father's enemies held my mother at the gun point till me and my dad came to the spot, they demanded my father's position but when he opposed they shot her, and she fell where some stones were there and she hit her head. When Tay visited the hospital he went through shock which caused him to go to a state of coma and after a few days when he woke up he did not remember his mother's death. But after some years when Tay was 15 he began to find mom which nearly caused him to leave us , as he was reaching about her he got to know the reason she was at the mall and he went through the same shock and then he forgot again. Babii we nearly were losing it so I and dad made a decision to keep him away from all these " said Off while crying on Gun's lap, while gun was caressing his papii's hair.

"You did a good job protecting your brother papii I'm not mad. I was never mad, but I was sad because Tay has been missing his mother from so many years that's why papii".
" Thank you for being here and understanding me babii I love you ".
" I love you too".

Behind the big tree was a person was crying for the fact that his boyfriend suffered sooo much and he doesn't even remember it. Now he has to make a choice weather he wish to say all the truth to Tay and make him go into coma once again or to hide everything form him and break his trust. What should he do.
"Don't nong" said Off to newwie as he saw that newwie saw everything.
"How -how can I not say to him" says a crying newwie.
"So do you want him to go to coma again. Newwie if he goes to coma again he may never wake up or he can loose all his memories".
" So do you want me to lie to him "newwie shouts at them.
" Yes just don't talk about this. It's better for everyone ".
" How can you be soo heartless, your his brother "  .
"And I am a son too. She has forgotten everything about him, about us, about herself, and about everything. What do you want me to do about that. You don't have the answer right so please it's good for everyone that they should not see each other".
" Fine. I will do it but if anything happens to Tay I will kill everyone ".
Gun gasps and newwie leaves.
Suddenly a call comes to gun it was gulf's.
" Hello uh gulf ya say.... Whatt ok we are coming ".
" What happened babii ".
" We need to go there right now, gulf has found something weird about something ".

They reach gulf's camp were newwie, tay and everyone were present.
" What is this meeting about guppi "newwie asks.
" Actually when gun and Poff bought a girl to treat her gun had given me a packet of drugs which he got from the girl's household ".
Everyone gasps.
" Yes what about it .did you get something "gun asks.
"Ya I got something which is very disturbing. Actually the man abusing her was also a target of this drug. This drug is called" menoright" commonly known as margo is used to hypnotise people. This drug hypnotises people, it brings out your biggest fear and makes you go mad but this also used to cure sinus and migraine".
"Is this drug available in normal market" Singto asks.
"No this actually never came into market. A scientist named harry made this but after he made this drug and it's anti -dode he disappeared and also his wife died in a attack some years back".
" What his wife what is her name and if this drug never came into market then how are these normal villagers getting them" asks krist.
"Maybe someone is getting them from forgein countries and are smuggling here and as for the wife's name is I think it was Sara ".

Newwie in mind: wait sara then maybe it was her or not. I should find it.

" Ok for now we will focus on people who needs operation right now and then we will silently collect people's blood and send them to our lab and get the results and you four find out who are the people Summugling these, how, when and the time and also who is collecting them here and disturbuting them "newwie tells everyone.
" But for now let's go and eat"gun says.

And like this an interesting day ended.

Somewhere ::

"Boss Tay is in our main island " a man says to another man who was sitting on a chair looking at the city lights.
"What.are you joking. What is that son of a bitch doing there".
"He is actually on a mission there sir with his lover too".
" What lover. Do his brothers also have one".
"Yes sir".
" Very well, keep an eye on them too. They can be good assests in future".
"Yes sir I will do it".

Who can this man be. How do you all describe love in your way. Let me know.

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