Chapter 5: A Helpful Spirit

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"So... You're Lilith..?" Kitsune asked, looking over the spirit.

She had blonde, shoulder length hair and cherry red eyes that looked lifeless.. Which seemed fitting, given that she was a ghost. "Yes, yes I am." She responded.

'Ok, well, now I can officially tell Tony and Paige that I met a ghost. I guess that's one thing off the bucket list.' The redhead thought to herself. "Can you... tell me who killed you? Who's this they in this note?" She asked.

"I'm afraid I can't tell you, I'm sorry. Christopher has forbidden me from talking about them." Lilith said, hopping down from her rope. Now that she wasn't hung up like a Christmas tree ornament, Kitsune could see that she was more on the shorter side- maybe 4'9.

"Ah, um.. Ok then." Kitsune mumbled.

"I can help you, though. Or at least, point you in the right direction." Lilith's words made the young woman perk up.

"Wait- really? I'd really appreciate that!" She said, trying to keep her voice low.

With a slight giggle, Lilith responded. "It might be a bit difficult, but there's a few other journal entries around the mansion. One in the living room, one in the kitchen, and one in the master bedroom. They should explain in more depth about what happened to make Christopher the way he is."

Nodding a bit, Kitsune wrote the instructions and the location of the three notes down in her beloved journal. "Though, I'm afraid I don't know how to help you if you encounter him- so do be careful." Lilith added.

"Will do. Thanks, Lilith. I'll be careful." Kitsune stated, standing up. "I think the coast is clear now... Plus, I probably shouldn't stay in the same spot for too long." She said, getting ready to walk out the door.

"I wish you luck, miss. Please, do take care of yourself." The spirit spoke one last time before disappearing. With a deep breath, Kitsune slowly opened the door as to not make any noise. After sneaking out, she gently closed it.

'Right... Ok, I guess my first trip should be the note in the living room...' She thought to herself, sprinting down the hall. As she ran, she was more than thankful that she had taken her shoes off- as her footsteps now made little to no noise.

She nearly froze as she heard footsteps coming from around the corner. Acting quickly, she stopped running and slid on the floor- ducking behind a pedestal with a fancy vase on top of it. She covered her mouth, praying that Christopher would just head straight. Her heart was pounding as she heard his footsteps from right behind the pedestal. Fortunately, he walked straight ahead.

After a moment of waiting, she sighed in relief. "Good fuck..." She mumbled. "How in the HELL did it come to THIS?" She asked to no one, standing up straight. Double checking to see if the coast was clear, she booked it down the hallway Christopher had just emerged from.

It took her a few minutes, but she eventually found the living room. "Ok... Where would the note be...?" She questioned, before hearing the familiar tapping of dress shoes. 'Shit-!' She thought before just rolling under the coffee table. Thankfully, it wasn't a glass one.

She stayed silent, just waiting for Christopher to leave the area. Her heart thumped against her ribcage as she heard him enter the living room. "Hmmm... I could've sworn I heard something out here..." She heard him say. She covered her mouth in an attempt to fight back a squeak.

His footsteps inched closer to the coffee table, but suddenly, he stopped. "Damn it, not now... Can't this wait a little longer?" He muttered. Kitsune couldn't see his face from her spot under the table, but she could tell he sounded... Stressed.

With an agitated huff, Christopher stormed off. To where? Kitsune wasn't certain. Once he was gone, she covered her face as she sighed loudly in relief.

"God... DAMN, that was close..." She muttered, rolling onto her back. As she did so, she noticed a piece of paper taped to the ceiling of the table.

"How'd I miss this..? I guess I didn't notice it when I rolled down here." She mumbled, before just silently reading it.

"January 15, 2018.

I don't know what it is, but I feel like they've gotten worse. Granted, their treatment of me was never... the best, but I don't think it's ever gotten to a point where it's this bad. I could just look at mother wrong, and I'd be hit for it- all just for a skeptical glance. I hate this. I don't know how long I can endure this for.'

"Fucking hell..." Kitsune quietly cursed. 'Mother? So, his PARENTS killed someone in front of him?!' She thought, touching her forehead in disbelief. With a quiet exhale, she rolled out from under the coffee table.

Writing down her new findings in her journal, she suddenly jumped when she heard a sudden, abrupt noise. It sounded like something made of glass had just shattered into pieces. She noticed it came from the same floor she was on. She blinked in confusion, becoming quite curious.

What was that?

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