Chapter 14: Breaking the News

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Shirley entered the room through the cracked door, immediately rushing to Kitsune's aid. "Sugar, what's the matter?" She asked, extremely worried. Kitsune sniffed, wiping her eyes. Taking a moment to calm down, she started speaking.

"T-The letter was from my b-brother... He's forcing me to go home tomorrow, a-and if I don't go, he'll send people to get me..." She explained.

"Oh, Kit..." Shirley pulled her into her hug, rubbing her back. "I'm here, sugar... I'm here..." She attempted to soothe her.

Kitsune buried into the blonde woman's shoulder. "I-I don't want to go back... But I don't have a choice..." She mumbled.

"I know, darlin'... I know... But you can come back, right...?" Shirley asked, to which Kitsune nodded.

"Yes, but I don't know when..."

With a hum, Shirley pulled back a bit. "When did you have to leave?" She asked.

"Tomorrow afternoon..." The young journalist answered.

"Right... I think in that case, we'll have a going away party tonight. I'll tell everyone what's going on and get it set up. You go... tell Christopher what's going on and spend some time with him. Maybe ask if he wants to come too." Shirley suggested.

"O-Ok.." Kitsune nodded.

Shirley gently wiped her tears away. "No more tears, love. It may not seem like it, but you'll be ok. I promise." She smiled.

Smiling a little, Kitsune responded. "Thanks... Mom..."

After getting helped up by Shirley and dusting herself off, Kitsune was out the door once again. Upon seeing the red haired girl leave, Shirley solemnly sighed. Hearing the redhead call her mom at this point was bittersweet. Especially now.

Hopefully she'd be back soon..


After running down the familiar path, Kitsune had found herself at the mansion for the last time of her stay. Panting, she went up to the front door and knocked. She only had to wait for a few seconds before Teatime had answered the door. Even though it was really difficult on recognizing his expression, Kitsune could tell he was a bit surprised. It made sense, though. Afterall, she left just barely an hour ago.

"My lady, this is a surprise." He commented. "I had thought you went back to town. Is everything alright?"

"Uh... I mean, yes, but also no... I... I have to leave town tomorrow, and I wanted to let Chris know beforehand... Can I see him?" The young woman asked.

"But of course. Please, come in." Teatime stepped out of the way and opened the door more, respectfully bowing. Once Kitsune was inside, he shut it again. "Christopher should be in his room, if you're curious. I'll bring up some tea." He informed her.

Thanking him, Kitsune went upstairs. After locating Chris's door, she knocked. "Come in." Chris's voice called, prompting her to walk in. He had been sitting in front of a mirror, applying what looked to be eyeliner.

"Hey Chris.." As soon as Kitsune spoke up, Chris immediately turned his attention to her.

"Oh- Kitsune. This is a pleasant surprise. I had thought you'd be at the inn by now, or somewhere in town." He commented.

"Yeah... About that..." Kitsune mumbled. "I... I wanted to tell you something..." She stated.

Immediately concerned, Chris walked over to his bed and sat down- patting the spot beside him. "What is it?" He asked. 'I don't know if I like where this is going...' He thought to himself, a bit uneasy.

Sitting beside him, Kitsune began speaking. "So... You know why I originally came here, right? To this town?" She asked.

"If I remember correctly, it's because you were investigating the rumors, yes? Since you're a journalist and all." Chris responded.

"Correct... And... Well, journalists typically don't stay in different towns for too long..." Kitsune stated.

Chris felt himself freeze up. "Kitsune... Are you saying what I think you're saying?" He asked, anxious for the first time in quite a while.

Kitsune sighed, looking at him apologetically. "I'm afraid so, Chris..." She responded.

"I'm leaving town tomorrow..."

It was silent for a moment, Chris processing what she had just said. Once it set in though, he did something she didn't really expect. He grabbed her wrist and pulled her to his chest, hugging her tightly. She sat in shock for a moment, processing the situation as she listened to his heartbeat. That's when she noticed it..

He was shaking, as though to keep himself from crying.

Upon realizing this, Kitsune felt herself tear up again. "I'm sorry, Chris... I really, really want to stay here... With you, a-and everyone else, but... But I can't..." She apologized, rubbing his back.

She sat in his arms, trying to both somehow console him and herself. After both of them had calmed down a bit, Chris pulled back a bit. Kitsune felt her heart snap in half upon seeing his face. His cheeks were stained black starting from his eyes and going down his cheeks. The eyeliner he had been wearing when she came in had been ruined from tears.

"Oh god, Chris..." She mumbled, reaching up and trying to wipe the stains with her fingers. She didn't know what to expect when she first met him, but she definitely wasn't anticipating to see him crying within a few days! "I'm really sorry... I wish there was something I could do..." She whispered, which yielded no response.

With a soft exhale, she tilted his chin up- just as he had done to her days prior. "Chris... Listen... I really don't wanna leave, but even though I have to, doesn't mean I'm never coming back..." She leaned closer, resting her forehead against his. "I don't really know exactly when, but I swear, I'll be back someday..." She stated, staring into his eyes.

"That's a promise... And I intend to keep it..."

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