Chapter 11: Revisiting the Mansion

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The next day, after leaving the inn, Kitsune immediately headed to a quaint little gift shop. She had planned to see Chris again, and wanted to get him something. She hadn't decided on what, though. She hummed as she looked through the various trinkets that lined the shelves.

"Oh heyyy, you're the journalist girl, right?" A young male's voice asked, prompting the girl to look up.

"Oh, hi! And yeah, that's me." She responded, standing up. The male was a little shorter than her by a little.

His light orange hair covered one of his brown eyes. His clothes were rather colorful. Mostly bright blues and pink. He had a bright smile on his face. "I was wondering when I'd meet ya! I'm Kennith."

"Nice to meet you, Kennith. I'm Kit." Kitsune smiled.

"Oh! I'm already on a nickname basis, huh? Nice! You got real warmed up to this town, huh?" Kennith asked, leaning against a wall.

"Heh, yeah, I guess so." Kitsune shrugged, grabbing a pocket watch. 'Maybe he'd like this? He seems like the type that'd like antique stuff.' She thought to herself.

"I don't blame ya. It's really nice here, everyone's really chill. Basically paradise, almost." Kennith remarked. "But I'm not here to talk about the town- I wanted to ask how your brush with Christopher went down." He stated.

"Heh, you and apparently everyone else in this town." Kitsune chuckled, looking over at him. "But yeah, there's not that much to know. I went to investigate, and he found me. He scared me at first, but then it turned out he's... actually pretty nice."

"Huh... Almost sounds like a Beauty and Beast kinda deal." Kennith commented.

"That's one way of putting it." Kitsune smiled. "Anyways, it was nice to meet you, Kennith. But I'm afraid I have to go now."

"Alrighty then! Have a nice date~!" Kennith chirped, fighting back a grin upon seeing the blush on the redhead's face.

"I-It's not a date- we're just hanging out." Kitsune stuttered.

"Okayyy, whatever you sayyyy~." Kennith teased.

With a flustered huff, the young journalist paid for the small pocket watch and left the store. The watch was now in a small box that she carried in a small bag.

After making her way down the familiar dirt path, Kitsune found herself at the mansion's gate once again. She smiled to herself, happy to return. Running into the front yard, she was greeted by Teatime- who patiently stood by the front door. The red haired female slowed down a little as she approached the steps.

"Hello, lady Kitsune. Welcome back." The creature greeted her.

"Hi, Teatime. Thank you. Is Chris inside?" Kitsune asked, the smile never leaving her face.

"No, he's sitting in the garden in the backyard. I must say, we weren't expecting you this early. Had I known, I would've had some tea brewing by now. I'll be sure to get to that immediately." With a slight bow, Teatime headed to the kitchen.

Kitsune stepped inside, closing the door behind her. Her heeled shoes made a satisfying click with every step. Eventually, she made it to the sliding back door. She reached for the handle and pushed it open.

"Hi Chris!" She called out as soon as she saw the male.

Chris was sitting on a bench by some flowers as he turned to face her, surprised. Soon, his surprised expression was replaced with a smile. "Hello, Kitsune. I wasn't expecting you to come back so soon." He stated, as the woman made her way over to him.

"What's in the bag?" He asked, curious.

"Oh, just a little something I got for you. Here! Open it." Kitsune responded, handing him the aforementioned bag.

Sticking his hand into the bag, he pulled out a small white box. Opening it up, he saw the rose-gold pocket watch she had gotten for him. His eyes widened a bit, glancing at Kitsune. "You... You got me a pocket watch?" He questioned.

"Yeah, do.. Do you like it?" Kitsune asked.

"Oh- yes, I do. My apologies, I didn't intend to sound as if I didn't like it, I just.. What is this for? I don't recall today being a special event.." Chris responded, trying to piece together his thoughts.

"Oh, there's no occasion! I just wanted to get you something, like, a gift! I don't really have a reason for it other than because I wanted to see you smile." Kitsune explained.

"Huh... I see..." Chris responded, before realizing he wasn't giving any actual indicators that he was happy.

"Ah- I apologize. I know I didn't sound too happy there. I'm.. overjoyed, honestly. It's just, no one has done this for me in.. I don't even remember how long." He rambled a bit, Kitsune patting his shoulder.

"It's ok, Chris. I'm honestly just glad you liked it." She stated. "Now come on. We have the full day to ourselves." She smiled at him.

"What should we do today?"

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