Chapter 13: The Letter

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The next morning, Kitsune woke up on the couch... With Chris's arms wrapped around her. 'Wait- how the fuck-' She thought, her memories not immediately coming back to her. Slowly though, she immediately remembered.

The two of them were just sitting on the couch together. At some point, they must've dozed off. Maybe Chris wrapped his arm around her in his sleep at some point? She wasn't completely sure. She never considered him to be the snuggly type... Not that she was complaining. Quite the opposite, actually.

Smiling a bit, Kitsune contemplated running her hand through his hair. It just looked so fluffy, it was really hard to fight the temptation.

'One... One touch wouldn't hurt... Right?' She thought to herself. Taking a deep breath, she lifted her hand and gently touched the side of his head- a bit taken aback by just how soft it was.

"Oh wow..." She whispered in awe.

Slowly, Chris started to stir. Letting out a faint squeak, Kitsune redrew her hand. Slowly opening his eyes, Chris immediately made eye contact with the flustered red haired girl.

"Hi Chris..!" Kitsune squeaked, just staring at him. And just like that, Chris was wide awake. He suddenly sat upright, a bit startled. He wasn't the only one, as his sudden reaction surprised Kitsune enough to where she nearly fell off the couch. Acting quickly, Chris grabbed her waist to keep her from hitting her head on the coffee table.

"Are you alright? My apologies, I didn't mean to scare you." He asked.

"Yeah- I'm good. Sorry I surprised you, you were kinda... holding onto me." Kitsune admitted. Chris stared in silence, processing her words.

"Holding onto you... How?" He asked, praying he didn't do anything stupid when he was asleep.

"Like, holding me to your chest with your arms around me." Kitsune responded, unable to fight back the blush on her face. "I never took you to be a snuggle bug, but honestly? I don't mind." She added.

And just like that, for the first time since she met him, Chris's face went bright red. "I-I am not!" He tried to argue.

"With all due respect, Chris, I honestly doubt it. I woke up, and you were hugging me." Kitsune stated, before thinking- 'Not that I mind, of course.'

With a huff, Chris ran a hand through his hair. "In any case... Did you sleep well?" He asked, hoping to change the subject.

Chuckling a bit, Kitsune nodded. "I did, yeah. I don't think I've ever slept on a couch this comfy before." She answered.

"I'm glad. I'd hate for you to be uncomfortable during your time here." Chris stated, giving her that familiar genuine smile. She'd be lying if she said she didn't love it.

"I wouldn't worry." She stated, standing up. "Anyways, I'd love to stay longer, but I have to go. I didn't tell Shirley I'd be gone all night, and I don't want to overstay my welcome."

"Oh, my dear, believe me- I don't think it's possible for you to overstay your welcome." Chris remarked. "In any case, that's fair. You wouldn't want to keep your new mother waiting." He teased, a little smirk on his face.

Rolling her eyes, Kitsune playfully pat his shoulder. "Yeah, yeah, really funny. See you later, snuggle bug." She responded, grinning to herself upon hearing him respond in incoherent stuttering.

Walking down the dirt path, Kitsune thought about the events from the past few days. She found it funny, honestly. She went from being terrified of Chris to being friends with him. He even joked with her here and there.

She had also felt great sympathy for him. Sure, she had family issues too, but no one had ever KILLED someone in front of her. She couldn't imagine being almost completely alone for five years. It must've been really lonely, she thought.

Fortunately, with her, he didn't have to worry about that anymore.

With a smile, she pushed open the door to the inn. "Hi Shirley! Hi Adres!" She greeted.
"Hello sugar!" "Hey kiddo." Were the collective responses.

"Next time, give us a heads up when you suddenly sleep over with your boyfriend, would ya? Nearly gave Shirley a heart attack." Adres teased, a lazy grin on their face.

Rolling her eyes, Shirley lightly flicked them. "Oh, shush, you. The girl can handle herself."

With a smile, Shirley pat the girl on the head. "Anyways, welcome back, hun. Someone sent you a letter. I put it on your nightstand for ya." She told her.

"Thanks, mom." Kitsune said without realizing it, walking into her room without a second thought.

Meanwhile, Shirley was basically a puddle from being called mom.

Picking up the letter and reading who the sender was, Kitsune immediately frowned. It was from her brother, Mike. "Well, this can't be good..." She muttered, tearing open the envelope and reading the note inside.

"I don't know how long you intended to stay gone, but it's time to come back. With this letter, I also bought a train ticket for you to use tomorrow. If you don't show up, I'm sending a search party. That's all there is to it. -Mike"

Kitsune immediately felt her eyes well up with tears. She absolutely loved this town, and everyone she met within it. And now she was forced to leave? Just like that? With no warning?

She gripped onto the note, anger and heartbreak filling her veins before she crumpled it up and tossed it away. She crumbled to the floor afterwards, sobbing into her hands. Unbeknownst to her she had left the room's door open, but how could she think about that? She had to say goodbye to everyone.

She had to say goodbye to the one she fell in love with.

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