Chapter 7: A Very Welcome Surprise

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The next morning, Kitsune woke up... Laying down. On something soft. Slowly blinking her eyes open, she processed her newfound situation. Didn't she fall asleep in a closet? Instinctually, she looked over at a clock on the nightstand.

"...Wait a fucking minute-!" Kitsune shot herself upright, looking at the blankets she was under. This certainly wasn't a closet, nor was it the inn. The blankets were really warm and had a deep red color, but that wasn't the issue. The room didn't look like the inn either.

She was still wearing the same clothes as she was last night, and her bag was in a chair on the other side of the room. Slowly, she got out of bed- fixing it up. Turning back towards the nightstand, she noticed a note on the top. Picking it up, she decided to read it out loud.

"I found you asleep in the closet. I didn't think it would be fair if I killed you in such a state, but it didn't feel right to let you sleep in such a cramped space. Your bag is on the chair. -Christopher."

She stood there in silence for a moment. "...For a guy that's known to presumably kill people for intruding, he's oddly... gentlemanly." She said to herself. Taking a moment to write about the surprising morning in her journal -which thankfully showed no signs of being read- she put it back and exited the room. Suddenly, she was startled by a familiar deep voice.

"I was wondering when you'd wake up."

Kitsune instinctively yelped, stumbling onto the floor. "D-Don't kill me!" She pleaded.

"Relax, I won't. Come on now, get off the floor." She was a bit stunned as he reached down and firmly, yet gently, pulled her off the ground and to her feet.

"I... Um... Thanks..." Kitsune cautiously said, still flabbergasted at the current situation.

"You're welcome. In any case, I suppose we should continue this game of ours. It wouldn't be fun if it ended here, afterall." Christopher remarked.

"Huh- oh, uh... Right. The game." Kitsune stuttered. "I, uhh.. Guess I'll go then." She awkwardly added, starting to walk off.

"Alright then.. By the way, thank you."

She turned back at that, thinking she heard him wrong. "I'm sorry- what?" She asked.

"I said, thank you. I told you to keep things interesting, and you delivered." He flashed her a smile, this one... strangely more genuine than the one she saw last night when they met. "So, thank you for that, darling."

"U-Uh..." Kitsune froze up a little, unsure of how to respond. "Y-Yeah, no problem! Uh, bye!" She stuttered, running off and ducking into another room- this one looking to be another bedroom.

The walls were black with white polka dots. The bed had violet sheets with a dark red canopy above it. There was a vase full of dead roses on a dresser, and next to it was a family photo. The room in general seemed rather dusty, like no one had cleaned it in a while.

Curiosity getting the better of her, Kitsune looked at the photo on the dresser. It was of Christopher and a girl that looked almost exactly like him. She had a more round figure than he did, and her hair was a lot longer, and her eyes were more black than silver. Unlike Christopher, she dressed a lot more casual- her outfit consisting a black crop top and white high-waisted skirt.

In the photo, Christopher seemed.. genuinely happy, looking to be amused because of the girl beside him. The girl was happy as could be, making a silly face at the camera. Kitsune couldn't help but smile a little at how close they seemed to be. "How adorable... I wonder if they're-"


A higher pitched voice spoke from behind her, causing her to jump. 'Heavens, it's only morning and I've been jumpscared twice already.' She thought to herself, turning around.

Behind her was the girl from the photo. Except, this version.. had a stab wound in her chest that still seemed to be dripping fresh blood.

"Uhh... Y-Yeah. God, you scared me there." Kitsune responded, the girl giggling in response.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to scare you like that." She apologized. "But, yeah, you're right. We're siblings."

Kitsune stood there for a moment, connecting the dots in her head. "So... Then that must mean the portrait...?" She trailed off, the girl nodding in response.

"Yep. My name is Belladonna Charlotte Pierre." She stated.

"But please, call me Belle."

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