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It was just a normal night, you had used your key to Matt's apartment to wait for him. you knew he'd out doing his second job. He didn't like you waiting up for him but that didn't stop you from doing it. tonight was a special exception, you had something to tell him that just couldn't wait. honestly, he would work it out in seconds due to his enhanced senses.

just after midnight, you heard footsteps, "(Y/N)?" Matt asked slightly out of breath. you pulled yourself off the sofa and into Matt's arms. He smelt of sweat and blood, disgusting, but you were relieved he was in one piece. He twisted his head to the side, he could swear he was hearing things. Maybe that guy hit him over the head a little harder than he thought.

you pulled away from him, noticing his slight movement, "Matt, You okay baby?" you questioned trying to keep your heart rate as calm as possible. You knew he couldn't help but listen to your heart, he was always so worried about you. Matt knew having you in his life was dangerous but it was about to get a hell of a lot worse. "yeah guess I'm just hearing things" He chuckled.

That infectious smile crept across his face "could have sworn I could hear another heartbeat" He explained pulling his mask off. Matt made his way to his bedroom, pushing the sliding door across. "I mean there's no way you could be pregnant" he lamented to himself, he didn't want to admit that his senses were out of whack. but there is one thing you defiantly knew about Matt, which was that he had an amazing sense of humor.

you chewed your bottom lip listening to him ranting on in between groans as he pulled off his daredevil suit. taking small steps you joined him sat on the edge of the bed. "Matt sweetie" you began, placing your hand on top of his "Your not hearing things. I am pregnant" you announced. Your eyes examining his body for the bruises that started to form, you couldn't look him in the eyes. Even though the chances of perfect eye contact was slim you didn't want to take that chance.

Matt let the information sink in while listening to your heart, you was scared. But what of he wasn't exactly sure. Was you scared of how he would react or being a mother. You had never spoken about your future together in great detail or about having a family one day. Matt being so silent was making you panic, your heart rate increasing slightly. He licked his lips before speaking.

He took your hand in his before smiling "I hope it's a boy we're having" he commented, the corner of his lip curling up into a smirk. Your heart rate started to settle "Oh god I hope not. You Murdok boys have the devil in you" you chuckled, Matt couldn't help but chuckle with you and give your hand a gentle squeeze. "I can't wait baby" he soothed placing a kiss on your forehead, that ended up more on your temple.

It was the little things that made you smile. Matt kissing you in random places that he wasn't aiming for. The way his humour made you smile none stop. The thought of Matt holding his new born baby.

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