A blind date

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Nervous was an understatement.

Why you agreed to your friend Foggy setting you up on a blind date you'll never know. Or why he was laughing so much when he said "blind date". But you knew you could trust foggy, he wouldn't set you up with a complete weirdo right? I mean right?

Simple drinks is what you opted for, just a casual night and easier to do a runner. Foggy had already sent you a text with a time, location and a specific booth to sit in. As you reached the door you took a deep breath before walking in. Scanning the room for your potential date, you remembered the specific booth. The back right corner closest to the bar.

You pulled your black leather jacket around yourself trying to cover yourself up more. You wore a (f/c) corset top to show off your assets, you wanted to make a good first impression. But now you was here you didn't want just anyone staring at you, just him.

As you made your way over the booth, it hit you why Foggy found it so funny organising a blind date. A young man, no wait, a very handsome young man say waiting. His red lensed glasses giving it away, he was blind. Typical foggy humour.

'Well getting dressed up was a waste of time' you thought to yourself letting go of your jacket. "Hey, foggy's friend right?" You asked, Christ you didn't even know the guys name, well now it's awkward. "Yes I'm Matt, you must be (y/n)" he replied with a smile. Of course he knows your name and probably everything about you, knowing what foggy is like.

slipping into the booth opposite him. "That's me!" You smiled back, why am I smiling he can't see me. Wait is it offensive to think like that? Focus woman!! "So foggy talked you into this too?" Matt asked, he tried to hide it but he was also nervous.

Nervous he could be putting you in danger, with his night time activities. He liked the sound of your voice, how it was so smooth and calming. A hint of an accent every now and again.
"Yeah, he keeps threatening to marry me if I don't date someone soon" you giggled at the thought. Mrs (y/n) nelson, as much as you love foggy it was only as a friend.

Matt couldn't help but chuckle, he was great full for his best friend. Not only did he look out for him but for others. And he was going to do anything in his power for you not to marry foggy. Only you had literally just met, but he already wanted you to have the world.

He wanted you to have everything you could ever want, weather he was the man to give it to you or not. "What ya having? I'll get first round" you picked your purse up from the table, but Matt quickly placed his hand on yours. "Now what kind of date would I be if I didn't treat my lady?" There was that smile again.

The smile that made you feel like a teenage girl all over again. One thing for sure in these ten short minutes of being on this blind date, Matthew Murdock was one hundred percent a gentleman

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