he's mine

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@fanfictionwriter1916 thank you for you request I hope you like it x

You could hardly believe the day had come. More to the fact that Matt had made it to this day still alive. Not only were you about to become Mrs y/n Murdoch, you were also marrying the devil of hell's kitchen.

You accepted his life pretty easy and loved his friends Karen and Foggy. You knew that Matt had some romantic history with Karen but, they were friends at the end of the day and you could see that.

You'd become best friends with her, even making her your maid of honour. Foggy wasnt happy it wasn't him you chose but he settled for being the best man. Even Claire came to your wedding. You didn't have any bad blood with any of Matt's former flames. He loved you and no one else. Well all except Elektra.

Matt was over her, he knew things were never going to work between them and he was happy being friends. Elektra on the other hand wasn't letting go so easily. She tried her best to split you up at any given opportunity. Starting rumours, going that extra mile to make it look like Matt was cheating on you.

But you never believed any of it. Matt might be the human lie detector but deep down in your heart you knew none of it was true. Matt was yours and no one else's.

Some how Matt looked even smarter in a suit with his red tinted glasses. Before you entered the church you let him run his fingers over your dress. Explaining every fine detail for the colour of fresh fallen snow to the patterns of beads.

"If anyone knows of a reason these two shall not be wed, speak now or forever hold your peace" the priest announced. There was no doubt in your mind that no one was going to spoil this for you.

You were both surrounded by your dearest friends, an her. "I object!" A voice shouted from the back. How the hell did you not notice the black haired bitch, in a skin tight red dress. Super appropriate fo a wedding you thought.

Everyone around you gasped, unable to believe this was really happening.

Elektra strutted toward you both like a model on a runway. Not like Matt could see what was going on. All he could hear was the clicking of her heels and your heart beat picking up.

"Matthew your making a mistake" Elektra pleaded with him taking a step forward. Before she could reach out and touch him you stood Infront of him

"No your the one making a mistake Elektra" you began "You may be prettier and skinnier then me but, Matt chose me. He put this ring on my finger not yours. So I suggest you back off from my husband"

Matt couldn't help but smile at the word husband. He was yours and no one would ever change that.

Matt Murdock x readerWhere stories live. Discover now