Broken promises

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He promised he would protect you, he promised he would always be there for you, he promised the devil of Hell's Kitchen would watch over you.

But he didn't.

Matt was late getting out of the office so he couldn't walk you home from work. A walk that would change your life forever. Hell's Kitchen isn't the safest place to walk around, but when you have a part time job and your on minimum wage, taxi trips are out of the question.

You had a feeling someone was following you, But you kept your cool doing everything Matt had told you. Stay in the light, avoid alleyways, and never look back. Holding on to your handbag tight, you kept walking at a steady pace. Not focusing where your feet were taking you.

You broke rule two, avoid alleyways. You was too far down the dead end to turn back now, you had to accept your fate. "I'm sorry Matt, I love you" you whispered before a gun shot echoed through the alleyway.

You might be wondering why someone would be after killing you. Well you was a defence layer and a bloody good one at that. Yes you had enemies but you was on there side trying to prove their innocence. Matt loved you with all his heart and that's why you had to die. You knew the devil of Hell's Kitchen, you was his weakness.

Matts blood ran cold when the Claire called him, she gave no details apart from you'd been hurt badly. He waisted no time in getting to your side and never left you unless he had to.

Your heart was beating steadily but you didn't wake up. In a way Matt was hoping you never woke up, to save you from the heart break to come. He kept telling himself over and over again it was the right thing to do.

Set you free so you would be safe but the ring in his pocket was telling him otherwise. His catholic guilt had set in strong, starting to consume him. Even Karen and foggy we're getting worried about Him.

It had been a month, a month of nothing but listening to your heart beating. Matt could hear it starting to slow but said nothing. Instead he held your hand tight "I love you (y/n), say hello to my dad for me" Matt whispered gently, trying to stop his voice from cracking.

Suddenly nothing but a flat line.

Matt Murdock was a broken man once again.

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