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"Y/n you do remember the part where I told you I was blind right?" Matt asked

You smiled, half expecting this conversation at some point "Yes I do" you replied. Pushing Matt by his shoulders to an undisclosed location. He had no idea where you was going, all he knew was that he trusted you. "So why am I blindfolded?" He questioned, your thick wool scarf tied around his head covering his eyes.

You knew from the start Matt was blind but you also knew he had a special way of viewing the world. You also knew about his evening activities. "You also told me the way you see is like the world on fire" you explained taking a few turns here and there.

Taking the long route to the park. You knew Matt would work out where he was going if you took the quick route. You also decided to travel in the dark, less people around to give Matt any ideas where he was. And so it didn't look like you was kidnapping him or doing something kinky In public.

Matt sighed "And?, he was clearly not impressed by this and was getting fed up. This plan was a bad idea from the start. But how do you surprise a man who was basically a human lie detector?

You giggled, grinding to a halt."It's a surprise Mathew". You used his shoulders to turn him ninety degrees to the left. Standing in front of him you pushed downwards "take a seat" it was a good thing he couldn't see you as you was smiling like a maniac.

He wouldn't admit it but Matt was nervous, you was never this secretive with him before. Plus the fact you blindfolded a blind man. He did what he was told and took a seat. Feeling the wooden bench below him before he sat.

The wood felt old and weathered, he knew exactly where he was, but why? "We're at the park?" He questioned raising a brow, "you catch on quick" you giggled taking a seat next to him.

"Why are we here?" He asked again, you shook your head. "Work it out" you replied, placing a hand on top of his to stop him taking the scarf off. Matt cocked his head to the side, listening to any sound he could hear to give him any information.

He cast his mind back to the day you met. A warm summers day in the park. He sat down on a bench to hear a young woman crying, you. Your best friend had just announced she was engaged and expecting. Of course you was happy for her, but at the same time sad.

Your dating history wasn't the best and you wasn't getting any younger. Matt cracked a joke about how the view can't be that bad to cry about. Instantly you realised he was blind, you replied saying "the views not bad, nether is the man sat next to me"

From that day you became friends and then lovers, until today.

You was trying so hard to keep your heart beat steady, you knew Matt would be listening. Keeping secrets and surprises from Matt was very hard, you learnt not to tell Foggy anything.  "This is where we met and where I asked you to be my girlfriend" he reminisced, well done Matty!

You reached into your coat pocket pulling out a small box that you placed in his hands "I love you Matt" you confessed, pulling the scarf from his head. You still found it weird how he never had to adjust to the light.

He felt the smooth fabric under his fingers before opening the box. He was met with a band of cool metal "y/n?" He gasped, not wanting to jump to conclusions, but he was. "I love you Matty, both of you. Even tho the devil scares the crap out of me, I know he will always protect me. Will you marry me?" You asked, eyes full of hope.

Matt sat and chuckled, seriously he chuckled at your proposal. Wasn't this enough for him? It wasn't like you could hold up a big sign for him to read. "I was gonna ask you the same thing" Matt explained pulling out the same ring box.

Placing his hand in your thigh he carefully got down on one knee. "Y/n will you marry me?" He asked with that big dopey smile on his face. "Yes! But I'd rather have the ring you got me" you answered giggling.

He realised that he was holding the wrong box, it was the little things you loved about Matt. Like how he played off little mistakes. "Are you sure? I'm sure you have better taste than me" he laughed, retrieving the right ring and slipping in on your ring finger 

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