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It was a night where my eyes rained.
Body numbed with unknown pain.

Pillows stained with tears.
Shadows howling in fear.

Scared with what is coming from.
Afraid of being gloom.

Knew that night will pass through again.
And nothing will remain the same.

Still eyes were bawling out.
Making me gasp out loud.

Hiccups and headache grew.
As if I'm suffering with flu.

But it was a night of dejection.
Making me aware of depression.

Diving in abyss I was stuck in void.
Silence sucking up my voice.

I wanted to say and wanted to be healed.
But my words remained sealed.

No one understood pain behind my smile.
It was as if sorrows kept being piled.

Running away was of no help at all.
In the end I was trapped in four walls.

Letting out a breathe was suffocating.
As if in middle my soul is floating.

There's no way that I'm alone.
There was someone beside me looking like a clown.

I saw it was being controlled by red threads.
It was playing a role for money and breads.

Tied up like puppet.
Dancing on trumpet.

Looking closely it was no stranger.
I swear it was my doppelganger.

Or was it just me according my fate.
Wishing for hastening upon my death date?

In the end the sun rose high.
Lightening the whole sky.

As if everything was a dream.
I let out a silent scream.

Not minding I wore the veil.
So my disguise remains conceal.

My doppelganger was just a vision of future.
Reminding me of my failures.

Showing off my fake personality.
I continued my life in this harsh reality.


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