Who are you?

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I miss you.

Who are you?

I don't recall your face.

But my heart seems to know you.

So why I couldn't remember you?

When I'm sad

I long for you.

Being alone I feel your presence.

Still I don't seem to think back to.

When happy, I feel like

You're there, smiling along with me.

But I can't seem so sure to be.

Shadows seems to talk about you.

When I sits down counting the stars.

Every path seems to connect with you.

But at the end of the road seems to be void.

I can't reach you.

The sky, the wind, and the land,

Everything directs me towards you,

The eerie words appearing on the sand.

Seems to be forming your name,

But I can't seem to decipher it.

My heart throbs searching for you.

Leaving no traces behind,

You faded as if you never exists.

Were you even real?

Ache, is the only feeling I know off,

Thinking of you,

Wishing for you.

Are you someone connected to my past life?

Or my lost friend when I was five?

I don't remember having memories of you...

All I can ask is who are you?


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