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This place is somewhere you cannot escape,

You have to fit in here so change your shape.

There's no survival of the fittest,

You have to please the richest.

Here you can get to have three meals a day,

All you got to do is to obey.

Obey the elders, and follow their protocol,

Walk on their footsteps, behave like a doll.

The dreams are only meant to appear when you're asleep,

It is not something that you can keep.

The wings are imaginary,

And your thoughts aren't mandatory.

You got to do as they say,

So you too can have your way.

Some will imitate others,

Betrayals are common between brothers.

Money is sacred love is not,

You have to be emotionless robot.

If you go against there order,

You're crossing the border.

You'll be an outcast,

You'll face the rage in vast.

Everyone will point their fingers at you,

Making you feel guilty even though you're true.

Fake smile and everyone wear facades,

They've been following this ritual for decades.

If you can't fit you will be stepped on,

Forcing you to wish that you were gone.

Hell  be praised as paradise,

People here seeks the warmth from ice.

Money is the only language they know of,

Here everyone likes to showoff.

Be careful here you can't let your guard down,

Or else people will snatch your crown.

This place is a part of the cruel reality,

It is well known as society.

Being a part in here you'll be clashing with insecurity,

Every step you take will give you anxiety.

Stop now if you no more wish to follow,

It will take you some bitterness to swallow.

You'll be all alone but yourself,

You don't have to be something or someone else.

Beware of this place, society is it's name

In hopes of achieving fame,

You'll be forced with someone's blame,

In the end you'll be burnt-out in the flame.


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