Its all in head.

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The sound of heavy rain when your hands are covered in red.

The sound of someone knocking at the door when you're hiding the dead.

The rhythm of your heartbeat when it's excited.

And the echo of weapons falling instead.

The sight before your eyes,

Room filled with horror and fright.

Some corpse lying down while some are hanging tight.

And the walls are whole red rather than being white.

The strong scent of blood.

Your feet underneath the mud.

The smell of rotting flesh and dying bud.

And then you feel a sudden tug.

A tug on your sleeve,

Making your soul to leave

Gasping upon you woke up from sleep.

Realising how you killed your grief.

Then you hold your head

And notice it was a dream

But you broke into laugh instead

Letting out a scream.

It should've been a nightmare

But it was your inner desire.

The result of the words they said.

How they laughed while you trembled alone on bed

And so, your desire to give them what they fed.

You were a victim of their words,

You just couldn't bear the hurt.

And so it was a hallucination in your head.

That you wished to become reality instead.

However the pain they caused by what they said.

So you became a killer and enjoyed watching what it reflects.

You smiled and got off from bed

Wondering whom shall I kill next?

All in your head.


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