Hair Dye (Millard X Enby!Reader) (Part One)

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Spoilers for 'A Map of Days'
Based on book version.

My peculiarity is a peculiar one. I believe it's called 'Instinctive Tracking', but that makes me sound like a dog... Anyway, I can always tell where a Loop, or another Peculiar or Ymbryne is. If you show me a plain map, I can point out all of the Loops and what time they're in. Additionally, if I befriend a Peculiar, or hear of a Peculiar's name, they will have their own live place on this map of wonders.
Because my peculiarity is easier to use with a map, I carry a big, plain one around with me. When I hold it out, I can see glowing dots marking each Loop - colour-coded to various centuries, and my friends have their own glowing dots, colour-coded to their Peculiarities. The map itself is Vintage, coffee-coloured; so the marks are more prominent.
I had visited many Loops over the course of my life - which hasn't been going on for long, by comparison to those of the ancient Ymbrynes - so I didn't have to worry about ageing forward. I never stayed in a loop for more than a week or so anyway. Until this time.

I was sitting on a bench drinking hot chocolate from a café while looking at my map. I saw a Loop in a country I hadn't visited before: Wales. There was an island off its coast called 'Cairnholm', set in the 20th century. By the brightness and size of the colour, I could see that it was in the 1940s. The second world war. Why would she do that? I thought to myself, the 'she' in question being the Ymbryne. Why would she have her children stay in a time and place of war? Seeming that the Loop was still there over 80 years on, I assumed that everyone was safe and well. I tried to use my peculiarity to see how many children were there: at least ten.

Suddenly, someone plonked down on the bench next to me. "That's a pretty big map," the voice said. I looked up to see a large boy with a black leather jacket and pink hair. "Are you going far?"

"Very," I replied.

"You look kinda young to be travelling alone like this." He looked the same age as me. I blinked. "Well, okay. Just wanted to make sure you're all right, that's all." He brought his sleeved hands to his face. That's when I saw it. His right hand was alight with a lurid yellow flame.



"How did you know I was?"

"My dog, Lola," we looked as a Boxer trotted towards us.

"Morning," she said quietly, wagging her tail. She had a similar Peculiarity to me: she could track Peculiars. That was the ability of almost all Peculiar dogs. "Where are you headed?"


"Who owns the Loop?" The boy asked.

"Miss Peregrine," Lola said. The peregrine falcon, the fastest animal on the planet. "Does she know you're going?"

"No. I travel randomly. I don't stay in a Loop for too long and I try to meet and help as many Peculiars as possible. Do you live in a loop?" I asked them.

"No," the boy began, "we live in a hotel owned by our Ymbryne, Miss Swan."

"She's waiting for the perfect date," Lola stated. A little girl with strawberry blonde hair approached us and whispered something into the boy's ear. He tutted and reached into his bag before handing me a can of pink hair dye.

"This is Esther, her Peculiarity is prophetic dreaming: She says you need this." I chuckled as I took it and asked the boy for his name, smiling as a fiery-coloured speck appeared on my map, next to Lola's and the girl's. I stated that it was nice meeting them and that, hopefully, I'd see them again soon.

I headed to one of my friends, whose peculiarity was teleporting (sometimes I envied her gift). She was always willing to help as long as I returned the favour. Luckily, since I reunited her with a long-lost relative with the same Peculiarity, she owed me a favour anyway.
She lived two hours away by trains and when I finally arrived at her Loop in 1980s Texas (which was situated under a bridge), I was famished. I did my signature knock on the door of her Ymbryne's orphanage and heard rushed footsteps from inside. I heard my friend, Missy, exclaim my name when she opened the door, the brown afro on her head bouncing as she jumped up and down with excitement.

"What do ya need this time?" She asked, giving me a hug.

"I need you to take me to the Loop in Cairnholm."

"What's in it for me, sugar?" She asked facetiously, folding her strong arms. I knew she'd take me anyway, but I had to make it sound appealing so she could bribe Miss Peahen.

I opened my map, "there are at least 10 Peculiars in this Loop aside Miss Peregrine. You could get yourself a boy-"

I heard my name from another room and saw Miss Peahen walk out, a Peacock feather in her long, brown hair as usual. She folded her slender arms. "What Loop this time?"

"Wales, 1940s."

"MISS PEREGRINE!" The woman exclaimed. I jumped backwards. "Missy, you don't have to worry about bribin' me this time, I know Miss Peregrine personally." She turned to me, "I've got a letter I'd like you to give her for me, honey." I nodded.


After eating lunch, Missy teleported us to Cairnholm with Miss Peahen's letter in my pocket. "It's through here," I said, leading us to a cave.

"This is kinda creepy." The smoke surrounded us and we felt the familiar rush of time-travel fizz through our bodies. We stepped out of the cave again, relieved to find that the September weather was warm and sunny, the blue sky cloudless above our heads. "Can you sense them?"

I closed my eyes for a moment as I let my Peculiarity take over. "Yes, this way." We walked through a green field and past some trees.

"Surely there's a faster way to get there?" Missy wondered. "A straight line, perhaps?"

"No," I said, "this a frequently-tracked path, there must be a reason they don't go in a straight line." I stopped short. "There's someone in front of us."

"What?" Missy asked.

"Who are you?" It was the person in front of us. I sensed his peculiarity was invisibility. Missy and I introduced ourselves.

"I have a letter for Miss Peregrine," I said, pointing to my pocket. I felt him approach but I put my finger out in front of me to stop him. I touched what I believed to be the skin of his chest. "I'm giving it to her myself."

"All right... I'm Millard Nullings." I felt a hand touch mine and I shook it. "I'll take you to the house."

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