Hair Dye (Millard X Enby!Reader) (Part Two)

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The house was grand, gothic and fronted by a lake. Millard asked us where we had come from and what our Peculiarities were, "I come from a loop in Texas, 1982," Missy explained. "I can teleport."

"Extraordinary," he enthused, before asking me what I could do.

"I'm not really from anywhere but I can track Peculiars and Loops," I stated.

"That's..." Millard began, "certainly something." Because he was invisible, I couldn't tell if he was trying to be nice because he didn't find my ability interesting, or if he was truly amazed. I decided to be hopeful and believe the latter.

We walked up the steps to the door of the house. Before we could knock, it was opened before us to reveal a woman with raven-coloured hair and clothing. In her hand was a wooden smoking pipe and at her waist, a pocket watch, which she checked. "Right on time, Millard. I am Miss Peregrine," she shook Missy's hand - since she was in front of me - and then shook mine.

"I have something for you, miss," I said politely. Just because I didn't have an Ymbryne didn't mean I shouldn't respect them as much as I could - they'd saved many children, after all. I handed her Miss Peahen's letter.

"Miss Peahen," the woman read quietly. I wasn't sure if she recognised the handwriting or the beautiful peacock feather stamp in the corner of the envelope. She asked us for our names and we introduced ourselves.

"Missy is a teleporter, and ___ is a tracker of Loops and Peculiars! From what I hear, they're only visiting." The Ymbryne snapped her head to look at us.

"If that's not a problem, of course, ma'am," Missy added.

"Not at all," she replied with a smile, "come inside. Millard, I'd like you to introduce Missy and ___ to everyone while I read this letter."

"Yes, Miss Peregrine," he replied.

I could sense where he was going as we travelled; Missy simply followed after me. I was sure to make an effort to remember everyone's names as we met each of them, and I knew their peculiarities without them telling me even if they weren't obvious.
Miss Peregrine's wards were: two identical boys who were dressed a bit like Japanese Haniwas; Fiona, Hugh, Jacob, Enoch, Olive, Emma and Claire. Bronwyn. The twins didn't talk, instead chirping like penguins. "That's everyone," Millard said to me. Missy had gone to find Bronwyn since she'd gotten along well with her. "If you're not doing anything else, I'd really like to see what your peculiarity can do."

"I'd be delighted," I replied. I was surprised when I felt something touch my hand, but calmed down when I realised it was his. I let him lead me back into the house and up the creaky wooden stairs to his room. I saw a pile of folded clothes on his bed, which he proceeded to put on. I blushed at the realisation that he'd been naked this entire time and averted my gaze to look around his room: His walls were filled with maps and quotes and he had a bookshelf filled with books of all kinds. "This is amazing," I breathed.

"Thank you," he replied. I turned to see him putting on a brown cap. I smirked as I remembered the hair dye: I had an idea.


After we'd mapped and documented many different Loops, Millard put his pencil down. "What should we call this? Map of Loops? Map of Peculiars? These pages hold a database that I'm sure will prove incredibly useful for all of Peculiardom!"

I thought for a moment, "Map of Days. Every Loop is situated on a different day, and there are many Peculiars wandering around in those times."

"That's truly brilliant, ___." I could hear the smile through his voice. I smirked as I remember the hair dye. "What's the matter?"

"If I dyed your hair, would it be visible?" I asked, moving to pull the can of hair dye from my inside pocket.

"My clothes are, so I assume so- pink?!"

"What's wrong with pink?" I laughed as I held the can in my hand.

"I wasn't expecting it. I'd rather not do it in here. We can go to the bathroom." As soon as we opened the door we saw little Olive and Claire standing outside.

"Do what in the bathroom?" Olive asked with a giggle.

"We're dying Millard's hair!" I declared, shaking the pink can.

"Ooh! A makeover!"

"Certainly not." Millard stated.

"Please?" We chorused. Millard reluctantly agreed and Olive left to get some of Emma's make-up.

"You've used my peculiarity; it's only fair." We sat him on a stool and knelt in front of him with our items. I gently removed his cap and adjusted it on my own head. I took a make-up brush and adjusted it in my mouth, pretending it was a cigar, "let's get to work, boys." I sounded very much like a 1920s American man. Millard, Olive and Claire laughed. I moved my hands closer to Millard's head. Slowly, though; I didn't want to poke him. I figured out where his hair was (and where it wasn't) and sprayed it pink.

"I have coloured contacts!" I heard an American voice shout. Jacob was standing in the doorway.

"Oh, dear Lord." Millard sighed. Jacob gaffawed at his hair as Claire took the contacts from him. We could hear his laughter way down the corridor.

"Pick a colour, Millard," the curly-haired girl encouraged.

"Say 'pink', it'll match your hair," I chuckled.

"All right, then," he sighed. Claire removed the correct colour from the box and stood, ready to put them in his eyes. "Ah, I think ___ should do that. They've got a steadier hand than you." I smiled. I didn't want to poke him in the eyes, so Millard gently guided my hand with his own. Once the contacts were in, I could look into his eyes properly; his pupils were outlined perfectly.

"Let's do the make-up so we can see your skin!" Olive exclaimed. She and Claire practically attacked his face with brushes and sponges, giving him pink lipstick to match his eyes and hair. I laughed. We heard a camera click from behind us and turned to see Enoch.

"Enoch O'Connor!" Millard exclaimed, standing up. Claire and Olive decided to chase after Enoch as he ran down the hallway.

"After him!" Olive called.

I sat Millard back down. "Uh-uh, we're not done." Because of the lipstick, I could see him biting his lip. I looked where his eyes were.

"How do I look?" He asked. I searched for an eyebrow brush in Emma's items and moved closer to Millard to apply it. I gently felt where they were on his face and drew them on.

"You look colourful," I said with a smile.

"You too," he replied, before hesitating "I meant that you look nice."

"Just 'nice'?" I jested.

"Spectacular!" He exclaimed. I heard Enoch and the girls approaching from the hallway. Before I could turn to see them, Millard took my hands into his. "I'd like to see myself."

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