The Seer (Book!Millard X Female!Reader) Part Two

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"Frightened?" I asked, almost unable to believe it. This was a shock: a global pandemic, entering a loop with a Hollowgast and bombs and now finding out that my own grandmother was... a bully.

"Millard is invisible. She was the only one who could see him, and she would taunt him. Sometimes she would hide his clothes and get him into trouble - or embarrass him." Emma explained.

"Try as I might, I could not persuade Millard and your grandmother to see eye to eye, so I made it a rule that they avoid one another unless absolutely necessary. Though Millard seems to think that this rule still stands." Miss Peregrine explained, her face growing dark. I dreaded the answer to the question I was about to ask:

"Do you think he'll be afraid of me?"

"Not if you give him reason not to be," Emma replied with a kind smile as she hoisted the looped rope over her shoulder.

"I'm sure you'll be fine," Jacob said with a smile. As my grandmother said, she'd known his grandfather, so he was probably new here, too: he didn't know the context, so all he could do was give words of assurance - I instantly saw him as kind; it was nice that he was making an effort to make me feel better - even if it was a small one. He'd been in my position before - I could tell.

"You'll meet him soon, anyway," Miss Peregrine assured me. I followed her back into the house, along with Emma and Jacob. I asked them what they had been doing by the tree.

"Every day, a baby squirrel falls out of the tree. It's my job to put it back," Emma began, "Jacob helps me to get back on the ground." She pointed at her boots: I hadn't noticed them before but they looked... heavy. I assumed she had no control over when she could use her Peculiarity - which was the same with a lot of Peculiars: for some it was something that could be controlled; for instance when Ymbrynes turned into birds. For others (like Olive, for instance), it was permanent - hence the leather gloves.


We heard my grandma in the kitchen upon walking into the house, she was talking to someone; apologising, even. I knew it without even having to walk into the room: she was talking to Millard.
"...I still think about it, even now and I can't bear the thought of it," I heard her say. "_____ will not make the same mistakes I did: she's not like me at all!"

"How can I be sure you haven't raised her just to continue what you started?" I heard a boy's voice say. He sounded about my age, perhaps older, and his voice came out in sobs as if he was crying. My grandma really must have traumatised him. Miss Peregrine turned on her heel to face us - I was surprised Millard and my grandma hadn't heard her heeled footsteps and Emma's boots on the hard floor.

"Wait here," she said to us quietly, before turning around and walking back into the kitchen. Emma, Jacob and I exchanged looks as we waited for her to start talking. "I have just met _____, so have the rest of my wards: she brought smiles to all of their faces and the very thought that you might be afraid of her concerned her greatly, Millard," I heard her explain. I heard my grandmother sigh:

"So she knows," I heard her say.

"You could not have hidden the truth from her forever, (Grandma's name)," Miss Peregrine stated calmly. I could hear Millard sniffing and choking back tears.

"I've never heard Millard cry before," Jacob whispered to Emma and me.

"I have," Emma stated, "but only in private, and only because of your grandma." A chill flowed through my spine.

" her." I heard Miss Peregrine say, though I hadn't heard the rest of her sentence. I whipped around to see her step out of the kitchen, followed by Millard and my grandmother. I froze: I hadn't expected him to be so attractive. I struggled to compose myself - I was sure he'd feel embarrassed enough crying in front of Jacob and Emma, let alone the stranger who happened to be the granddaughter of his former bully.

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