The Seer (Book!Millard X Female!Reader) Part One

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(In an AU where Miss Peregrine and the Peculiars stayed in Cairnholm.

Film: Enoch, Olive, Jacob and Emma. Book: Bronwyn, Fiona and Hugh)

My grandmother and I had the same Peculiarities: we could both see what normal people could not. Whether that be ghosts, auras or other invisible things. It was the year 2020, and a global pandemic had taken over.
"It's affecting Peculiars more than it is regular people!" My grandmother had exclaimed over the phone to me.

My parents (her daughter-in-law and son) believed in what she and I could see, but they did not call it what we did. In common parlance we were known as 'psychic mediums', so that is what we went by in front of Normals.

Needless to say, it was difficult to break the news to my parents that I would have to leave home: to travel to the safest loop where I would be safe from the pandemic. I had to hide in time so I wouldn't get the virus, just until it blew over, and then I would return to the present day.

"I'm just taking her on a trip," my grandmother had said to my parents, "to an island off the coast of Wales: there's no virus there. But we'll have to get going quickly before it reaches." My parents understood, asking if they could join us. "No," my grandmother had said, "you must take good care of the house, and my house if you please. Your daughter and I will be back soon. Once this pandemic is over."
With that, I packed my essentials and we left home within the following week; managing to get out of the country before everything was shut down.


On board the plane, I asked my grandmother, "whose loop are we going to? What is the name of the Ymbryne?"

"Miss Peregine," she replied, "I've known her for a very long time. Her loop is in 1940, September 3rd."

"Isn't that during World War Two?" I asked, panic rising. A global pandemic was bad but war was no better.

"Yes," my grandmother stated, with a stern nod of her head. "But the day is mostly peaceful; sunny, warm. There is a Hollow at one point but Miss Peregrine deals with it each time."

"A what?" I exclaimed: A war and a dreaded hollowgast?

"Don't worry about that. The bombs don't start dropping until about eight in the evening, that's when Miss Peregrine resets the clock."

"Bombs!?" I exclaimed. I could have fainted. By now, people on the plane were giving me strange looks; uncomfortable, wary. I could see all of their auras shifting around them. Oops, I thought to myself as I looked out of my window at the many lights of the city beneath us.

"I know Miss Peregrine. I trust her. I was her ward once."

"How many loops have you been in again, grandma?" I asked, looking over at her.

"Four and don't ask me how old I am." She said with a smile. I laughed.
It was getting late so I decided to get some rest. We'd arrive in Wales in the morning and then we'd take a ferry directly to Cairnholm.


"Remind me why we're taking a ferry," I said to my grandma as the ship swayed and jolted. I was beginning to feel rather seasick.

"Because Cairnholm doesn't have an airport, do keep up, dear," my grandmother joked. It was nice that even at difficult times, she could see the bright side of things. I asked her what Miss Peregrine's wards were like. "She told me she has a new one a bit similar to us: his name is Jacob Portman, the grandson of Abraham Portman - I knew him, you may remember meeting them." I racked my brain in order to try to remember: nothing.

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