Honey Tarts

Honey, bee queen

My art or app or digital?
My own art on paper
(I'll post a better picture later)

How long did this take?
Less than half an hour

Flowers, peaceful environments, lofi music, gardening club, recycling, flower shop.

plastic, non-recyclers/polluter's, Garden karens, rude customers.

This is my BNHA OC

A simple side character that has practically no role in the actual plot that would be life changing but more or so something that'd be like a distant and old friend of one of the high school students since her shop is more near the school for profit reasons.

She has two quirks, A bee mutation quirk that she had since she was born, and a honey quirk that gives different effects depending upon how much someone eats the producers honey

How do they work?
1. The be mutation isn't anything too big but she does have a assortment of three pairs different wings, all with different patterns and sizes, she also has antennae that help her smell things better without the help of her nose.

2. The producer can produce a rainbow like hued honey from any part of the human body, although it is most times produced through the hands, since they are produced through the hands most often the effects can both last longer and tendz to have a stronger effect.

Downfalls/side effects?
1. If she uses her antennae in a more public space with a lot of artificial smells she'll get confused and will start sniffing out the smells, out of pure instinct.
2. She'll start to feel sick and the more honey she loses the more honey, pollen, and flowers/plants she'll consume, she'll also start to feel the feeling similar to a hangover as well as the opposite effect of the effect that is being produced (EX: she gives someone night vision, she'll get the effect of blinding[aka, completely darkness and legit can't see anything five inches away from her face] 30 - 40 min later).
(P.S: If she can't find anything to consume she will experience  cramping, stomach aches, migraines, and immobility.)

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