NameBlue strawberry

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Blue strawberry

Blue, berry, loofy.

App or my own digital art?
My own art done originally on a piece of paper only to be upgraded to digital

How long did it take?
2 hours

Current time?
10:29 pm

Blues likes and dislikes?
She's not very picky with people, food, items, etc. But she hates when people pick on an/or bully her or others. Likes people she can befriend, food, and stuffed animals.

What is blue like?
Blue is as chill as ice (like almost everyone else) and likes to vibe with anyone as long as there fine with her being there. She is kinda lazy but if given the chance she'll almost drop what she's doing and go hang out with friends or say no if she has a day off from work.

A few part jobs and one full time job at Petco


A pet rabbit named peanut butter or pb for short

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