expectation before I add characters

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Hi, pictures of characters will be up there☝️ most of the time, if not then I might not have art for it yet or I lost the art or something in the middle, something like those, anyway, info will be below ofcourse and picture will be up above.

please don't take the art because I do work on some of the art myself but most of the art that will be shown are either digitalized art by me or it's from character Creators like 'monster girl creater 2' (since I used to use that one a lot, why not use it for a example?)

The app and art isn't created by me, I will let you know when it's my art or not so you won't get confused and if you're going to ask questions then please do tell me by commenting on this page and I'll try to respond as quickly as I can so please be patient if I don't respond.

Thank you for reading this is if you read this to the very end

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