25). "If it's meant to be, you'll find your way back to me." Part 1 of 2

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plot - Y/N and Florence are high school sweethearts, but when Y/N moves away to LA for college, the two of them drift apart and lose touch. Years later, they end up running into each other at award show afterparty and memories resurface.

(In this first part, Florence is 18, while Y/N is 17)

TWs // Unaccepting Parent , Homophobia


"Flossie!" Y/N shouts at her girlfriend, Florence, as she runs to meet her at her locker, nearly knocking the shorter girl down in a hug as Florence bursts into laughter. The two of them had been dating since the beginning of year 11, but they'd been friends since primary school. 

"Hi bub," Florence giggles softly, melting into the taller girl's hug as she looks up at her, her green eyes meeting Y/N's as she smiles.

"I've missed you. How was your winter break?" Y/N asks as the two of them finally pull away from one another, walking hand in hand down the hall towards their classes.

"It was great! Raffie and I pretty much bullied Toby the entire trip," she laughs as they stop right outside the classroom. "And yours?" Florence asks as Y/N sighs with a shrug.

"I thought Pa and I would go see Momma and Nonna back in Newcastle, but we ended up getting snowed in before we could leave and our flight got cancelled. So we were stuck at home," Y/N replies softly. Florence leans forward and kisses Y/N's forehead before giving her a soft smile. Y/N's parents were separated and she rarely got to see her Mom at all, thanks to the custody agreement being on Holidays only. And Florence knew how much she looked forward to Christmas because of that.

"I'm sorry that you didn't get to see her this year, bub. I know how much Christmas means to you," Florence sighs softly, pulling her into another hug right as the bell rings throughout the halls. Y/N pulls away and shakes her head, forcing back tears, but Florence noticed them anyway.

"It's alright, Flossie. Hey, um, I'll see you after school. Okay?" Y/N says as her voice waivers slightly, Florence giving her a soft peck on the lips before nodding and watching her disappear down the hallway.


After school, Y/N fulfilled her promise, meeting Florence outside in the courtyard after the final bell rang. "Are you okay? You seemed a bit off earlier," Florence asks softly, scanning Y/N's expression for any sign of shift of emotions.

"I'm fine, Flossie. Just a bit upset about not seeing Momma or Nonna. I'll be okay," Y/N says with a soft smile, taking Florence's hand into her own as they began to walk home. The walk was occupied with a comfortable silence, along with the noises of the neighborhood. Florence walks Y/N up to her door and gives her another soft kiss, smiling against her lips as Y/N cups her face. "I'd invite you in, but I don't know if Pa has company or not," Y/N sighs as the two of them pull away, Florence nodding in understanding. Despite Y/N being out, her father wasn't exactly as accepting as she had hoped. Sure, her father loved Florence and he had always been best friends with her father, Clinton, but once Y/N and Florence confirmed their relationship, Y/N's father had grew cold towards them both, only faking nice whenever Y/N would bring Florence around and then talk bad about her once she left, claiming she "made Y/N into something she wasn't". But Y/N could never bring herself to tell Florence any of that. Y/N's mother and Nonna on the other hand loved Florence and supported their relationship to the greatest extent. In fact, it was Y/N's Nonna that had bought her, her very first pride flag to hang in her bedroom at her mother's house. 

"That's okay, bub. I'm supposed to babysit Raffie while my parents and Toby are out later. Call me before bed?" Florence asks softly, kissing the backs of Y/N's hands as Y/N nods. She loved every small gesture Florence would make to show her love for her, whether that be a kiss on the forehead, holding her hand, kissing her temple, or Y/N's personal favorite: whenever Florence would kiss her hand like in the old black and white movies she would watch with her Gramps before he passed. That gesture was the most special.

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