10. Climbing the Ladder

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"I can't believe Mom's making you do this."

"She's not making us do anything." Phineas leaned on the counter as he picked at a spot of mystery grime. "She just said we should try it, ya know, learn responsibility and stuff. Also, I think she wants us to have spending money."

Candace stared at him in disbelief. "Don't you and Ferb earn like billions of dollars in royalties for patents? Why do you need spending money?"

His head popping up, he laughed. "Candace, we don't earn 'billions of dollars.'" He paused. "I don't think. I mean, Ferb handles most of the accounts..."

"That's not the point!" She groaned. "It's summer, shouldn't you be building something, not working the counter at Slushy Dawg?"

"Actually, I just made manager."

"...I thought you just started working here today?"

"It's no big deal. I mean," Phineas shrugged, "Ferb's already upgraded the auto shop to the point that there's so much money coming in, the owner's thinking of retiring and giving him the place. Though, I'm not sure what he'd do with it. Probably hire a manager to run it for him. I'm sure he'll find someone good."

"It's been one day, Phineas. One. Day."

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