25. Stuck on Maintenance

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"Well, that didn't work the way it was supposed to."

Ferb rolled his eyes at that statement of the obvious.

"Any ideas, bro?" Phineas frowned at the oil filter. Or what was left of it. Rather than unscrew it, the strap wrench had tightened to the point of crushing the middle of the filter. But they'd already had the drip tray in place so the oil that had started leaking from the new holes hadn't gone all the floor of the garage. Or them.

They already had enough on them that they'd have to clean themselves up before into the house.

Ferb pushed out from under Mom's car.

If they couldn't fix it, Mom would probably want to have it to brought to a machinic. He wasn't too thrilled with the idea. She hadn't been brought to a shop ever since they'd realized just how much she was being overcharged. Especially when they could, normally, take care of all the maintenance themselves, same as they did with the house.

Unbeknownst to the brothers, Linda credited Lawrence with all the of repairs and upkeep. His confused replies whenever she brought it up were attributed to extreme modesty. Though, if she did happen to learn that it was actually her two pre-teen sons doing the work, it would be a much easier pill for her to swallow than many of the other things they got up to on any given summer's day.

Ferb slipped back under the car, their second largest vice grip in his hand. Narrowing his eyes at the stubborn filter, he clamped it on and pushed.

It didn't budge.

"Let me help." Phineas added his own hands to the tool.

It didn't do anything.

"Dang it." Letting go, Phineas scratched his head, heedless of the oil he was farther smearing across his skin. "I don't remember the last one being this much of a pain."

"Whatcha' doin' under there?"

Phineas grinned, glancing over at the girl bent over to look under the car. "Hey, Isabella. We're trying to get this oil filter changed, but it stuck."

"Oh, want me to try?"

"If you want to, I guess."

Ferb didn't look particularly impressed with the suggestion. Phineas shrugged. It wasn't like it could hurt.

The two brothers got out to give her more room.

"Wow, you guys really destroyed it, huh?"

"Not on purpose."

His only answer was a few grunts. When they stopped, Isabella popped out, grinning proudly as he handed him the oil drenched filter. "Here you go."

He really couldn't stop his eyes from widening slightly at the sight. Ferb's didn't but he was pretty sure he shared his surprise. "How did you...?"

"Never underestimate a Fireside Girl."

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