Straight out of a Fantasy

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High up in the mountains, was a castle.
The most mysterious and beautiful one if you will.
It was known far and wide
That it was owned by the dragon,
Who no one has been able to kill.

Tall and dangerous, eyes gleaming ruby,
It was said to devour the best of all men.
For all the fair maidens who loved a fantasy,
Expected the romantic beauty
When they'd hear it was slain.

The bravest warrior in all of the land,
Challenged himself to slay it, one day.
He set off on his horse as planned
At dawn, when the skies were still gray.

Kicking back the huge metal doors,
He drew his sword,
Expecting a fight.
Instead he found the castle empty,
Dazzling in the sunlight,
A gorgeous sight.

Yet, there was an omniscient air around it,
As if it hosted one two many mysteries.
Advancing further, he saw a sword in it's hilt,
One that has seen battlefields with only victories.

He grabbed it, curious about its origin still,
What he hadn't taken note of however,
Was the dragon's head on it's grip,
And it's beady eyes that glowed instead. 

- Izzie. H

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