Simple times

27 3 2

Swaying and shaking,
The train dances on the track
To a slow, jazzy song
That seems to flow on it's back.

The same, familiar old cookies
To munch on, punctuated by
The whole life story
Of a stranger you'll never meet again.

With a constant chilly breeze
Caressing my feet,
I force them into the warmth
Of those warm, fuzzy red socks.

Music plugged in, lulling me to sleep
And a dozen stops that pass by, unseen.
The vast darkness stretching before me,
Remind me of simpler times.

When the top berth was too tall
And every stranger didn't look scary.
When the dark scared me because
Of monsters that weren't humans.
When happiness was a state of being
And the vast wilderness looked boring.
When bustling crowds and sleeping faces
Had nothing to do with what I felt like.

Sitting there, looking back
There was a time when I would've
Given anything to grow up faster.

Why is it that right now,
I want to press pause on
This moment of rare peace
And hope to hold on to it forever?

- Izzie

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