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Awkward smiles, uncomfortable glances,

Just as I open my mouth to speak.

Everyone is laughing but the joke's not funny

My smile isn't true, it's sad and weak.

I keep trying to fit in

And laugh at all their jokes

But when all's said and done,

I won't be proud of what I've spoken.

It's like a constant suffocating mask

That I cannot get out of,

For the sake of not being ignored

For the desperate hope of not being

Entirely forgotten about.

All my life, been chasing it,

Trying to fit in, and be validated.

Never once has the shoe ever fit,

But I never took it off

Just to not be hated.

I wonder what it would be like,

To be one of the popular ones,

To see a person and immediately click,

To walk in front of a crowd

And not feel like their gazes are guns.

If it's all just an act, by everyone,

Why don't we all just drop it?

Wouldn't it be better to just be yourself,

And not have to worry about being a misfit?

- Izzie. H

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