Chapter 2: Ambush to Murder

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-Dream POV-

I feel weak again, I'm feeling that same warm feeling again, the one from my dream, I opened my eyes and looked around only to see the same place that where I met that woman in black, I looked at the same people that are standing near the burning house in my dream but when I turned around my location changed again but, this time I'm inside of some kind conference room, I looked around and saw the woman in black sitting at the end of the table along with some other people, their faces are covered with black smoke and when I turned around my location changed again, I'm back in menagerie but, this time my house is burning along with my family. My eyes widened as I kneel down only to see the woman in black snap her fingers to wake me up once more.

-Juno's POV-

I woke up in shock pointing my Blue Rose on Adam as he stared at me confused but not scared, he lended me a hand as I holstered my blue rose and grabbed his arm to stand up, I felt really exhausted from fighting those fucking elite droids in mistral, most importantly I have to get home quickly and check on my family. Jenova, Genesis, Jenny. I really hope you guys are okay, I quickly ran towards my house without greeting the people that saw me running, I finally arrive at my house even more exhausted I looked up and saw that my house is fine, I guess that dream really fucked me up even though I don't know anything about that woman nor that burning house. I opened the door to my house and saw my Faunus family safe and sound, no cuts, no bruises, nothing all clear, My mother looked at me and gently hugged me since I look really exhausted and smell like shit again. I looked at my sister watching T.V and joined her after kissing my mother on the cheek.

Juno Kujoh:
"Hey, Jenny?"


Juno Kujoh:
"You ever had a dream of a woman in black?"

"Hmm, Oh yeah...."

Juno Kujoh:
"Wait really?!"

"Yeah, take a shower and I'll tell you. You smell like shit right now...."

I stood up and went to my room while looking at my left hand, I arrived at my room and locked my door and windows knowing that Ilia might scare me in the bathroom again, I removed all of my clothes and took a shower, I sat on the floor and thought about the woman in black thinking about why her snap is the only thing that's ending my dream so quickly, maybe there is something that she doesn't want me to see or hear inside her castle, I stopped thinking and stared blankly at the ceiling to keep my mind off that fucking woman or whatever she is.

As I was looking at the ceiling I heard a knocking sound on my bathroom window, Its probably Ilia so I stood up and wrapped myself with my red towel and opened the window, I should be used to Ilia jump scaring me but, this time it was Blake who came out of my bathroom window, I yelled and quickly hid my right arm while looking at her, She turned to me and started looking at towel, then she proceeds to walk outside the bathroom and closes the door behind her. After I was finished cleaning myself I changed to my black tank top, Black pants, and wore my red jacket hiding my right arm and support cast, Blake looked at me and stood up to go down stairs I holster my Blue Rose and went down stairs to meet up with Blake, I stopped walking down and saw my whole family staring at me with their jaws dropped.

Juno Kujoh:

I asked they what happened and they didn't respond so I just went outside closing behind me and began my conversational stroll with Blake. I walked with Blake around Menagerie and looked at everyone that started whispering to each other, I begin to look at Blake more and then she suddenly broke the silence.

"I'm really sorry that you're being the talk of the town here in menagerie...."

Juno Kujoh:
"Oh, No no no no! Its okay, I'm okay with it....Anyways, what do you want to talk about?"

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