The Shadows Of Yesterday {3}

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All the coffee in the world couldn't keep me focused on my current lecture. I pretended to be taking notes, but was actually improving my stick figure art in the corner of the page.

"-suppose we'll call it a day for now," the professor said, glancing at the clock. "Don't forget your assignments next time we meet. There will be no extensions on this assignment."

I shoved my notebook in my bag and slung it over my shoulder, eagerly following other students out of the lecture hall. I tossed my empty coffee into the garbage can and stretched a little, my back popping. Comfier seats than high school, but still killing my bones with every excessively long lecture.

I checked the time, then left the academic building and headed for the Cantina. I had time to grab myself another drink.

Checking my phone confirmed that, as I had no new messages from Seth. He'd give me a call when he wanted to meet up for lunch, but I was free until then.

The Cantina was quiet, so ordering my drink was quick. Since I still had time, I slipped through to the actual library and wandered the first floor, looking for that girl from yesterday.

No such luck, but it killed time. I was trying to remember if I'd ever seen that girl here before, but I hardly paid attention to the people around me when I was in the library, and I'd only seen the back of her head.

I shrugged it off and went back to the academic building, taking the hallway to the stairwell. The offices were just as quiet as the Cantina at this time of day, so I didn't have to force any fake smiles to passing professors as I made my way to the office I needed.

The door was partially open, but I knocked to be polite. Someone inside grunted, so I pushed the door open all the way.

Professor Caddell glanced up at me before returning to the paperwork he was grading. He'd earned the nickname Professor Gruff N' Tough, or Prof Gruff for short. Warm and welcoming he was not, but the man could teach a fish to recite Shakespeare if he set his mind to it.

He had a tough love approach that pushed you to near tears, but he'd make sure you walked out of there with what you needed in the real world. If a student was willing to try, then so was Caddell.

"Hey," I greeted.

"You got a good reason to be bothering me?" he asked without looking up.

"Did someone drop my jacket off here, Cad?" I asked.

That got his attention. "That jacket you wear all the time? Did you lose it? I thought it was grafted onto you, kid."

"I let someone borrow it at a party and told him to bring it back here," I said. Then I realized how that sounded, so I elaborated, "He got sprayed with a hose and had to walk home. I felt bad for him."

Cad shook his head, much to my disappointment. "No one's dropped anything off to me. But the day's not over, so I'll have Ziv let you know if someone does."

"Oh. Thanks," I said, shoulders slumping. Dammit, I loved that jacket.

"I've never seen you let even Seth borrow that jacket," he said, as if reading my mind.

I held my hands up. "It's not like that. He was just...nice to me. I dunno, Cad, maybe I was drunk."

He snorted. "At one of those house parties? I don't see you going past tipsy at one of those things. But you don't have to explain yourself to me. I'll let you know if the jacket makes its way here."

"Alright. Thanks. I appreciate it," I said. "Where's Ziv at?"

"Not a clue in the world," Cad said, already back to grading papers. "Go find him for me, will you?"

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