The Shadows Of Yesterday {10}

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I sat in the lobby of the academic building, notebook balanced on one knee and textbook balanced on the other. I tried to take notes without upsetting the balance and toppling both.

"What're you doing homework in here for?"

I winced as my textbook hit the ground with a loud thump, my notebook much quieter as it hit the ground. Before I could reach for them, Cad was there, picking them up and dropping them into my lap.

"I was going to head to the library soon," I said, looking up at Cad. "But I wanted to finish this assignment before the lecture bleeds out of my ears."

"Fair enough." Cad had his bag slung over his shoulder, no doubt going home for the day. He sat down in the chair across from me. "Tell me to butt out and mind my own damn business, and I'll show myself the door. But Ziv was worried about you. He doesn't like the way Seth treats you."

"I know," I said. "They don't get along. That's no secret."

"It's more than that. He doesn't like the way Vin treats you either, but it's...different," he said. "Sorry my kid's a shit to you, by the way. But that's between you and him, and I won't go making excuses on his behalf. Has he ever hurt you, though?"

"He trips me all the time," I grumbled.

"Always did that to his brother," Cad said, with a little fondness in his voice. But then his expression grew serious. "And Seth? Has he ever hurt you?"

"No worse than Vin has probably hurt Ziv. Brothers fight, and that's all we are," I said. "Look, Ziv is one of my closest friends. But he just...doesn't understand how Seth and I work, you know? We're not used to sharing each other. I get jealous too. We're working through it."

"Mhm," Cad said, looking unconvinced. Still, he stood up. "I won't go prying into things, kid. But I think you're forgetting you have a support system outside of Seth."

"Yea, Cad, I'll be sure to call you with all my problems," I said, saluting him.

"You can call me if you need to talk. I'm no therapist, kid, so don't go bitching all your troubles to me. But the big stuff..." He shrugged. "Gotta raise two young adults. What the hell's one more?"

With that, he left the building. I stared after him, hating the ache in my chest.

How lucky Ziv and Vin were to have a father who cared so much. He was gruff, he could be brash, and he took a tough love approach. But he cared and he tried.

"Fuck," I muttered, shoving my textbook and notebook in my bag. It was too early in the day for me to linger on my daddy issues.

Still, I found myself taking out my phone and calling mom again as I headed for the library. When I got her voicemail, I left her a message before hanging up. She'd call back when she had time.

I let myself into the library, immediately comforted by the smell of books and the cool air of the place. I lingered in the entryway, trying to determine where I wanted to hole up to do my work.


I turned as Harley approached me, Chief on her heels. She smiled at me when she saw me looking, waving.

"Hey," she said, stepping up to me. "We were just about to find a table in the basement to do some homework if you want to join us."

"If you don't mind the company," I said, glancing at Chief.

He seemed flustered to have me looking at him and looked to Harley for what to do. Her smile grew a little.

"I wouldn't have asked if we did," she said. "Come on."

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