Six - Party pt. 1

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Six - Party pt. 1

TW: Slight mention of sexual assault

Shawn POV

I waited all week for this. Finally, it's time to pick her up for the party. Dress code is fancy, but casual, whatever the fuck that means.

I'm sure Violet Mae knows, she's got to, but I'm just wearing black jeans, a red shirt, and black leather jacket. I have no sense of style, usually I just wear about the same thing every day.

Pulling up to the address she gave me when I messaged her on Instagram, I saw a face in the living room window, but it disappeared as soon as I saw it.

A younger sibling, I guess.

I exit my car and go to knock on the front door. A shorter woman in possibly her mid to late thirties answers, smiling a big, genuine smile that makes me think she's happy I'm here.

"You must be Shawn. Violet told us you'd be taking her to a party this evening. Make sure you treat her right and don't let her make any bad decisions, you are now responsible for her safety. Remember that."

"Yes ma'am," I reply, giving her a soft smile back in return, showing that I won't let anything happen to her. "Violet Mae is safe with me."

She smiles once again before calling out, "Violet, Shawn's here!"

I hear a faint, "Coming!" before I see said girl come into the room, a child on her hip, playing with her hair.

She sees me and smiles, kissing the child before putting her down and coming towards me.

I take this opportunity to observe what she's wearing, which somehow matches my outfit, though I'm not sure how some people will view this. She's wearing a black crop top, and black jeans with holes in the thighs, her hair pinned back in a half ponytail.

She's gorgeous, and if we were alone, I would tell her that. But sadly we're not. Yet.

After a few more minutes of...awkward conversation with her mother, she finally says goodbye to her and I lead her to my car, helping her in before getting in myself.

The younger kids are waving goodbye and Violet Mae is waving goodbye to them as well. We are soon out of sight and she stops waving.

The car ride is silent for a little bit, before she breaks it.

"Sorry about that. Mom can be a little overbearing at times. I hope she didn't startle you."

"She didn't. Don't worry about it."

She was silent for a bit, just looking out the window as we drove towards our destination.

"You look beautiful, by the way."

"Oh!" She seemed surprised. "Uh...thank you."

I glance at her before looking back at the road. "You seem surprised."

"Oh uh, I am, I guess. I just don't hear that come from people's mouths often, especially when describing me."

"People don't call you beautiful?"

She shakes her head.

"Didn't you have a boyfriend?"

"Are you stalking me?"

I look at her to see her smiling widely.  "Possibly."

"Yes, I had a boyfriend."

"He never called you beautiful?"

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