Chapter 2: The Meeting.

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Meanwhile Zeke and Kynan were walking home from the cinema on Earth. They had just seen AVENGERS endgame "That movie was pretty cool" said Kynan "you can say that again," said Zeke, but as he turned to Ky, he was GONE!!! "KY" Zeke said in confused manner, and when he looked up, he saw Kynan trapped in a net being pulled away by a fat guy in a sphere-shaped ship. "ZEKE GET HOME AND CALL THE COPS!" Kynan yelled, "ALL READY ON IT" Zeke yelled back as he took off home. Once he got home he ran inside and started calling the police, but before he finished dialing he heard a BA-DING, he turned around to see a blue hedgehog standing behind him "Um....... Hi" it said in a nervous voice!!!!!! "SSSSSHHHHH" The blue hedgehog said, "My name is Sonic. I'm a SUPER BALL of ENERGY in an EXTREMELY handsome package, and I need YOUR HELP" he said "What happened" Zeke asked "My friend Tails has been taken by the evil doctor Eggman," Sonic said "Who's doctor Eggman," Zeke asked "Basically he is a Fat scientist" Sonic replied "So that explains why he said 'now that I have tails I can can pull off the last part of my plan to CATCH the SPEED ELEMENTAL'," Sonic said in his best Eggman voice. "We have to go save our friends!" Zeke said as he opened the front door.

"UM ZEKE" Sonic said in a scared voice "Yeah?" Zeke said in a confused manner, "Look behind YOU" Sonic said. Zeke turned around to see ...a bunch of robots, "Um Sonic, what are those" Zeke asked, "There some of Eggman's badniks," Sonic said, "Then there's only one thing to do." Zeke said, "and that is?" Sonic asked "RUNNNNNN!" Zeke screamed as they ran out the door with the robots following behind them once they got to the roof they were cornered "What do we do now" Zeke said in a shaky voice, "JUMP" Sonic said "WHAT" Zeke said in a scared voice, "Trust me" Sonic replied, so they jumped, and then Sonic made a ring out of nowhere, and they fell through and landed on... Soft grass? "Where are we" Zeke said, "Welcome to my hometown" Sonic said in an energetic voice GREEN HILL.

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